Baby Girl

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|Tyler's POV|

It was rare that I worked night shifts, but with a few of my colleagues out of town, I volunteered to fill in. Of course the night I did, there would be some shit that happened that I get a call from my niece, Bianca. From the tone in her voice I could tell she was upset and she said something happened with Olivia and I should check on her.

My phone was then flooded with videos of Olivia at a party. I saw she got into it with some guy. It's clear from her body language that she was heated. He kissed her, she slapped him, then I saw my nephew get involved. Thank God Wyatt was with her. I always tell the girls to be careful when they go out, regardless of who they think they know.

It was pushing 3am and my shift was ending here. I called and spoke to Olivia. She was fine and home. I needed to get to California to check on her for myself. Call me a helicopter parent, I don't care. I have the means to check on my daughter face to face and best believe I will. I know what she said, but I need to see for myself that she's alright.

I felt my phone vibrating. Looking at the caller ID, it was my wife.

Hey, beautiful. I was just about to call you.

Hey. I just got off the phone with Jamie and Brandon. Bianca is really upset. She's blaming herself for not being there with Livy.

Wyatt is with her so thankfully she wasn't alone.

I know. Jamie is talking to her. Brandon is working on getting the videos taken down. I've already texted Logan telling him don't worry about it. Murphy and Ethan are in the loop and already ahead of it as well. This will blow over.

I know it will. Olivia thinks that Patrick is going to break up with her.

He won't.

You and I both know that. Once she talks to him tomorrow, he'll ease her mind.

Wyatt was staying at the condo?

Yeah. He wasn't going to leave her there alone. I'm heading out there once I get off.

I figured you would. I'll text you your flight info and I already packed your bag.

You're the best.

I would go, but...

I need you to stay as stress free as possible. You have Mickey.

Yes, she's in our bed at the moment.

They're texting.

Alright, I'm heading home to change.

Okay, your flight isn't until 7am so you'll have some time to get a nap and then you can sleep on the flight.

Appreciate it, my love. See you soon.

I wrapped up what I was doing and headed home. Mikayla wasn't in our bed so I'm assuming Izzy sent her to her room.

"Hey, babe," I said, bending down and kissing her.


"You didn't have to wait up."

She sighed.

"I just talked to Olivia. Couldn't sleep."

"She alright?"

"Yeah, she was stuffing her face. Wyatt recounted the chain of events of what happened and his part in all of it. That boy is a riot."

I chuckled.

"Let me go shower. I'll be right back."

I let the heat relax my body. The adrenaline of everything had me wired, but I knew I needed to rest my eyes after working the past 12 hours. I dried off and slid on a pair of boxers before sliding into bed next to Izzy.

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