Friends Not Foes

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|Sasha's POV|

I sat at the dining table, taking out the dinner I bought for myself and Erica. We both enjoyed sushi so I bought a little bit of everything from a local spot that's a town favorite. She appeared moments later cradling two wine glasses in one hand and a bottle of wine. In the other hand she had a couple bottles of water and a few sodas tucked in her arm.

"I brought a variety of what's here. Seriously need to restock. If you want something else let me know."

"Wine is fine."

She chuckled, pouring both of us a glass and taking a seat.

"Hope sushi is okay."

She nodded.

"I never turn down sushi. Thank you."

We ate in silence before I decided to speak.

"I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was out of line with the comments I made. Regardless of the place I was coming from, I acted like a child instead of coming and talking to you woman to woman."

She glanced over at me.

"I know you're coming from a place of protecting Logan and I can't fault you for that. At first I was just going to talk to you for Logan's sake, but I'm ready to move on and the two of us come to an understanding moving forward. You for sure triggered me today, but I've had time to cool down and whatever you have to say, I'm all ears."

I nodded in agreement.

"When you would leave Logan and run back to your ex, he was broken every single time. He didn't talk to his parents about it. He thought Teo would call him a punk for chasing after you. I was there for him. I watched him get excited every time you would come back around. Hopeful you would choose him. Then his heart would shatter when he'd send me a picture of you and your ex  back together."

"I know I hurt him in the worst way," she whispered.

"I'm very protective of both Logan and Matteo, even though I'm the youngest. I love both of my cousins equally, but differently. I go to Teo when I need a big brother to knock some sense into me. He's always looking out for me and Logan, ready to go to war whenever, wherever with whoever. Logan has always been empathetic to other people's feelings. I don't always need to fight. Sometimes I just need a soft spot. Logan has always been that for me."

"I would never want to come in between you and Logan, Sasha."

"I know you don't. I don't know how he does it, but he's really good at making everyone feel important and valued in his life. He makes time for everything even with his busy schedule."

She nodded.

"I know you apologized before for how things went down. It's just now that you're together, it's serious. I don't ever want him calling and crying to me again over you. He was so broken when you ghosted him. Then to find out you were pregnant. If he didn't have football, I don't know what he would've done. That's what he threw himself into even more. Just... Please be careful with his heart. He may seem like a hard ass, but he's a softy on the inside."

"My intention is not to hurt Logan. I don't plan on leaving him or Lauren. I'm all in with this relationship."

"I see the two of you together and I knew it would get to this point. I just... I just don't want my cousins to hurt the way I did. I'm not just talking about my past relationship, but I watched my dad go through the tit for tat with my biological mother. They would go back and forth with each other. One minute they're together then they're not. I was like that majority of my childhood. One day, she just up and left. Seeing you and Logan together with Lauren took me back to that place and it's not right for me to project my past onto either of you. I was heartbroken when my mother left. I felt like she just threw me away. She has a whole family."

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