It Comes Naturally

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|Logan's POV|

Hearing that Lauren threw yet another tantrum because she didn't get her way, wasn't surprising at this point. After what happened at DisneyLand, I spoke to Erica. She said that Lauren has always thrown tantrums when not getting her way and ended up getting what she wanted, eventually. That may have worked before, but we can't continue with that. It's a habit that we will definitely break.

Erica would be back in town tomorrow evening. We had decided that she would still be staying at my house during the week and with Erica on the weekend. We'd keep things this way until I went to training camp and we'd figure out a schedule that made sense.

"Do we throw tantrums, Lauren Vivian?"

She just stood there and turned her head, crossing her arms.

"I asked you a question, Lauren."

Still no response.

"Looks like it's time for us to go home," I said.

She turned towards me. I saw the tears welling up in Lauren's eyes.

"I sorry, daddy. I no scream. I listen."

I shook my head. Why must I say something extreme to get her attention?

"These temper tantrums have to stop, Lauren: just because you don't get your way, that's not a reason for you to throw yourself on the ground, scream, kick, or yell. That's unnecessary. You know, you told me you were a big girl."

"I am a big girl."

"Big girls use their words. Big girls also know that yes is yes and no is no. Your aunt told you there was no more popcorn. You though throwing a tantrum was going to get you more?"

She put her head down. How do I explain to my 3 year old daughter that I wasn't putting up with this shit.

"Your aunts wanted to watch a movie with you. A movie they let you choose. Once the popcorn was finished, that was it. Now you're missing out on the movie, because of what? You not getting your way? That's fine. Until you can learn to control these tantrums, I'm going to remove you each and every time."

"I want to stay."

"That's too bad. We can try again tomorrow. You're going to apologize to your aunt, put on your shoes, say goodnight, and then we're going home."

I saw the tears in her eyes and then the anger on her face. Here she goes. Before she even had a chance to have a meltdown, I went and sat her in a chair.

"Looks like you need to calm down. We'll do a timeout for a few minutes."

She stood right back up. Of course I'm getting challenged by a 3 year old.

"Sit back down, Lauren."

She just stared at me, crossing her arms. I ignored her antics and sat her back in the chair. As soon as I stepped back, she jumped up, again. I didn't say anything, placing her back in the chair.

"The more you fight me, the longer your timeout will be."

"Shut up!"

She jumped up, again. I grabbed her, popping her bottom.


She tried to bury her head in my chest. I pulled her back, lifting her chin to look at me.

"I don't ever want to hear you tell anyone, especially me, to shut up. It's rude. You're going to sit your butt in that chair and you won't be getting up until the timer goes off. No talking either. Now go."

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