Look Out For You

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|Olivia's POV|

Having an injury as a dancer sucks, no nice way to put it. My knee has been bothering me and I've been stretching like crazy hoping to ease the pain. Then I rolled my ankle at one of the classes I went to. Just my luck.

I was on FaceTime with my dad, I was moving around the kitchen cooking when I winced. Some parents may brush that off with a "what happened" or "are you okay" , take the one word answer and move on. My father is Dr. Law, any sign of wear and tear gives him a red flag. Especially after what happened with my mom, he's even more intense.

I was planning on going back home to Texas this weekend, but then my friends told me they had classes and if I wanted to come through. Sure, why not. I could always go home during the week. Patrick was back in Ohio visiting family and would be back to Cali in the next couple of weeks. We spoke daily and I finally gave in, making things official.

Hearing my phone ring, I checked the caller ID. Speaking of the devil.


Hey, babe.

Hey. What's up?

Just calling to check in on you. What are you up to?

I am heading to the dance studio.

As soon as I said that, his face went from happy and cheery to stone cold.


Babe, I'm fine.

You're fine as hell yes, but you're injured.

I laughed at his corniness.

I'm not injured, I'm just...

I don't want to hear your logic which you know is bullshit. You've been complaining about your knee and you told me you rolled your ankle last time you went to a class. You need to take a break and get it looked at before it gets worse.

I sighed.

I don't want to sit on the sidelines.

Well, if you're trying to work that's what you need to do. What's a few weeks on the bench where as you aggravate and make it worse, you could be down for months. Babe, I get it. We don't have the same profession, but we need our bodies to do our jobs. Get that looked at.

I will. I'll plan on flying home during the week. My mom and aunt have a doctor they go to when they've been injured so I'll get it looked at. Plus, my dad knows something is up so I won't be able to push it off much longer before he makes the appointment himself.

He nodded.

Alright. I'm about to come to you.

What? I thought you were in Ohio.

I was.

I thought you'd be gone for a couple of weeks.

Change of plans. My mom is going on vacation with my aunts. My dad is doing some golf shit. My sister is being whisked away on a tropical vacay with my niece courtesy of her new boyfriend. Then there's my boys... they're hoes. I already told you how they move.

I choked back a laugh.

Aw, that sucks. Sorry to hear they all had plans.

They intentionally made plans. This shit wasn't booked after I told them I was coming. They do this all the time. I should just be used to it by now.

Patrick went out of his way for his family, but when he had downtime to spend with them, they weren't available. His sister is a single mom and he tries to spend as much time with his niece as possible. Unfortunately, when she has someone new in her life, she ghosts Patrick. His friends, they are party boys and always do their own thing. Pat is the clean cut one out of the crew and although he loves them, keeps his distance.

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