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|Wyatt's POV|

I had been coming to the guest house lately for space. If Madison wasn't asking me something, Julian or Sophia was. I love my siblings, but I like my alone time as well.

I heard the door open and close. My dad appeared moments later, sitting across from me.

"Hiding out?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"I guess you could say that."

"Want to talk about what happened this afternoon?"

"I'm sure mom told you," I mumbled.

"You know I always go straight to the source."

"So, go ask Madison. I'm sure you'll take her side anyway. Everyone is telling me I'm overreacting."

"Did your mother say that to you?"


"Did I say that?"

I shook my head.

"You're entitled to feel how you feel and tempers flare when we're upset. I just came to check on you and see how you were doing. If you don't want to talk right now, that's alright. I'll respect your space and privacy to process things on your own."

He got up.


He turned to me.

"Yeah, son?"

"You don't have to leave."

He nodded and sat back down.

"How'd you do it?" I questioned.

"Do what?" he countered, sitting back down.

"How'd you date mom knowing she was your best friend's sister."

"Falling in love with your mom was the easiest thing I've ever done in my life. Lying to your uncle, we were both wrong for that."

"You lied to Uncle Zach?"

He nodded.

"Yup. When your mother and I started dating, she wanted to keep things between us until we made it official. She had just got out of a bad, public breakup, so I didn't stress it. Once we made things official, we didn't tell anyone. Not your aunts and uncles, your grandparents, friends, no one. We were in our own little world."

"No one guessed you guys were dating?"

"A lot of the family put the pieces together because we had been spending so much time together. Your uncle, he felt betrayed that we didn't tell him from the jump. He's her big brother. He's my best friend and someone I always considered a brother. Lying to him wasn't my best move."

"See! That's how I feel with Madison. We had a pact not to date each other's friends and this is what she does. She was kissing Levi today. What's the point in making a pact if you're going to break it? Levi and I got into it. I just... I lost my cool seeing that."

"Then that anger spilled over into what your mother walked in on with you two arguing?"

I quietly nodded.

"Did you and Uncle Zach ever make a pact to not date each other's relatives or something?"

"We have one pact. Made it as kids. No matter what, no matter who did what, we talk things out. Give yourself some time to cool off, but the conversation has to happen. There were times he was pissed at me and vice versa. Still, we always find a way to talk it out. Whose bright idea was it to have a pact like this?"

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