You and I

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|Logan's POV|

Erica and I have been in Turks and Caicos for 5 days now. Tonight is the night that I'm going to propose. I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like a lifetime. The day we made things official I would've married her. I love Erica with every ounce of me and there's no one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Since we got here, she was sleeping in until I woke her up with breakfast. We'd eat outside by the pool. Little did she know the house we've been in was officially hers. She loved coming here and anytime we were planning a vacation, Turks and Caicos was on her list. She said she found peace here.

I can't wait to see her reaction when I give her the ring and the keys to this place.

I slid out of bed and went to take a hot shower. I tossed on a pair of boxers and shorts before heading to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pulled out everything to make E's favorite; cheesy scrambled eggs, brioche french toast, crispy bacon, and a mimosa. I had just finished plating our food when I heard her voice.

"Smells good in here."

There she stood in my shirt, her curly hair perfectly framing her face. She looked so well rested which means I was doing my job. I wanted to treat her like the queen she was. I meant what I told her in catering to her.

She came closer to me, wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my back.

"Morning, handsome."

"Good morning, beautiful. You know, I'm supposed to be bringing you breakfast in bed. You're breaking my streak."

I felt the vibration of her body as she laughed.

"Babe, you have been spoiling me from the moment we got here."

I turned to her, lifting her onto the island.

"So what?"

"Not complaining. I appreciate it. This is our anniversary trip, so just know, I have some surprises up my sleeve as well."

I raised my brow and slid her plate over.


"Very much so. We spent the majority of the day in bed yesterday, only coming out to eat. I've noticed you've been making breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"You like to skip at least two of those so yeah, getting your diet together."

"Thanks for looking out for me babe. Come on, let's go sit outside."

I helped her down as she grabbed her plate and mimosa and I did the same with mine. We sat outside and enjoyed the sun.

"Mmm. Thanks for breakfast babe. It's delicious."

Her eyes were closed, a sure sign she was enjoying her food.


I took our plates, going back in the house. She went back to our bedroom. Looking at the time, I knew Lo would be awake.Erica and I usually called her together, but she'd call Lauren back and be distracted so I could set up our day. Calling my dad, he picked up after a few rings. I wasn't surprised to see Lo's face fill the screen.

Hi, daddy!

Hey, princess. Where's grandma and grandpa?

Grandma made breakfast, grandpas taking a shower. He said I could answer if you called.

Oh okay. How'd you sleep, bug?


No problems going to bed?

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