Check Mate

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|Bash's POV|

I went and checked on my new sites before heading home and taking a shower. The kids have after school activities and their friends were dropping them off at home.

I needed to smooth things over with my wife, plus handle this Dex situation. I knew she was meeting with him today, but I wanted to be there to support her in doing so. Plus, I didn't want him trying any funny shit.

Calling her office, there was no answer. Her cell, nothing. I hate when she doesn't answer. I then called her assistant Sanaa, my cousin. When Ro was looking for an assistant, I knew she'd be the perfect fit. She knew her way around not just business, but Ro's craft. She's been a great member of the team and I love having my family around.

Sanaa answered after a few rings.


Hey, Sanaa.

Hey, Bash. Let me guess, you're looking for Aurora.

I am. I tried calling her office and her cell.

Yes, she's actually on a call right now.

Has she met with Dex?

No. She said that was next on her list.

I'm on my way with lunch. Don't tell her I'm coming. I just want to be there when she meets with Dex.

No problem. I'll stall until you get here.

Alright, I'll be there within the half hour. Could you put in a lunch order for us and please order something for yourself as well.

Oh it's fine I...

Sanaa, have you eaten since breakfast?

No, I would just grab something out of the vending machine.

Not happening. Place the lunch order at the bistro by the office. Order what Ro usually gets, I'll take the turkey and Swiss sandwich with all the fixings, and get something for yourself. You can't be looking out for Ro and not look out for yourself too. Can't have that.

Alright, boss #2. You got it.

Thank you, Na Na.

You're welcome. See you soon.

I had just put on my suit when I saw my phone was ringing. Wyatt was calling. Looking at the time, it was almost 1pm here which meant it was 10am in California.


Hey, dad.

Hey, son. How are you?

I'm alright. Just wanted to let you know I was coming home this weekend.

Oh, really? Your mom and I are going to be traveling and we won't be here.

I know. I'm coming to see Maddy, JuJu, and Soph.

I knew there was more to the story.

Mmm. What's going on?

He sighed. I put on my watch, sprayed my cologne and headed downstairs.

Julian called me talking about mom's employee being disrespectful.

I couldn't help but laugh. My boys were spitting images of me and would do anything to protect this family, especially their mother.

I'm on my way to handle that situation right now. Don't worry about it.

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