Golden Year

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|Logan's POV|

Today is my 25th birthday.

Erica is currently away on business. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to make it back for my birthday with her schedule, but it's cool. It's just been me and my princess. She does preschool daily, and I've been doing rehab on my ankle.

Lauren and I got to Texas Thursday night which had become a norm for us. Teo was currently in town so we made plans to hang out. I dropped Lauren off with Erica's dad, Mr. D. Friday after her nap, I picked her up and we spent the evening with my parents. She stayed with them as Teo wanted to go out again. Usually I just chill and don't do much when I have Lo, but with it being my birthday weekend, I decided it was cool.

Teo had some of our mutual friends fly down to Texas to celebrate my birthday. It was a real surprise and I appreciated all the love. We were out until about 4am. I wasn't drunk, but I was tipsy.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was a FaceTime call from Erica.


Happy birthday, baby!

Thank you, beautiful.

She smirked.

Still in bed I see. How was your night out with Teo and the boys?

It was fun. Enjoyed hanging out with everyone. I miss you though.

I miss you, too. I've already talked to Lo. She's waiting to give you your gift.

Shit, I need to get up and head over there. What time is it.

Mmmm, just after noon.


You're good. Take your time and get ready.

I checked my phone. Teo texted me saying he'd see me later and that Amanda was in town. I had a flood of text messages from my family as well. I didn't even check social media yet.

I got up from the bed, heading to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I looked exhausted. Nothing a shower, a quick workout, and some food won't fix.

What'd you do last night?

Mmm, I went out for some drinks with a few of my cousins. I know they flew in for Lo's birthday party, but we haven't hung out in a while.

That's cool. Well, I wish you were here, but we'll celebrate when you get back.

Of course.

I'll call you back once I'm with Lo. So in like a couple of hours.

Okay. Talk to you then.

Alright. Love you.

Love you, too.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before going and getting a quick workout in. I felt a hell of a lot better, especially after hydrating and getting some food in my body. I showered and got dressed for the day before heading over to my parents. Going inside, I was met by balloons. I laughed. Even at 25, my mom goes all out.

Heading to the living room, there sat my parents and my daughter.


Lauren got up as quickly as she could and ran over to me. I picked her up.

"Happy birthday, daddy."

"Thank you, princess. You have fun with grandma and grandpa?"

"Uh huh. We watched a movie and had waffles for breakfast. Grandpa said I only have 1. It was yummy. Cake later?"

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