Bad Calls

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|Erica's POV|

The holiday season can be exhausting, but I love being surrounded by family. Logan's family has fully embraced me and I wouldn't expect anything less from them. They're the most genuine people I've ever met. Since our pregnancy announcement, my phone has been flooded more than usual with texts checking in to make sure me and the baby are okay.

Now that the holidays are over, we have a lot of things happening this year. Lauren will be turning 6 on Valentine's Day and Logan will be 27 in March. In between that time, we'll be having a baby shower. Ma and Aunt Jamie have been planning and I'll admit, I'm excited. All I wanted was a winter wonderland theme and they said leave the rest to them.

Our baby is due in May and only Logan and I know the gender. Everything about this pregnancy has been different, for obvious reasons. I'm just truly blessed.

I'm currently 5 months pregnant and have scaled back at work. I only go to the office if need be and have been home. I also shifted to a part-time schedule. No more late nights. Logan wasn't having it. Everyone at work has been extremely supportive which I'm appreciative of.

Logan, oh Logan. My fiancé has been running a well oiled machine. He's hired a driver to take me wherever I need to go as he doesn't want me driving and he still has the boot for another month or so with his injury so he hasn't been driving either. He's eased his way back into training although he does plan to travel with the team for playoffs. His parents will be coming to keep Lo and I company while he's gone.

At first, I was concerned about him and his injury as he was bitter about it. He's definitely switched up and embraced the time being home. He's fully set up the baby's nursery. We have a chef that comes bright and early and prepares all our meals during the weekdays. He still has his projects he's working on in the middle on top of doing physical therapy and working out. He even does yoga with me in the morning.

We also have weekly premarital counseling. No complaints. Don't get me wrong, there are tough topics, but there's nothing we haven't been able to talk through. I've really been working on my healing and growth and have never felt better.

I had just finished up my work for the day when I decided to go take a bath and relax. This time of day I definitely hit a wall. I was soaking in the tub when I heard voices downstairs. Logan and Lauren must be back. My skin was wrinkly at this point. I got out, grabbed my towel and went to our bedroom. Just as I sat down, the door opened.

"Hey, beautiful," Logan greeted.

"Hey, babe."

He came over and kneeled in front of me, pushing aside my towel and kissing my belly.

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah. Just took a bath and was about to go downstairs."

He nodded.

"I'll be right back."

He got up and went to the bathroom. The water ran momentarily before he came back. He grabbed the oil off my nightstand.

"Lay back."

I did as he said and laid back on the bed. He started rubbing my belly before massaging the rest of my body.

"Mmm. This feels amazing."

He placed a kiss on my belly before helping me sit up. I groaned, hating that he stopped. All he did was laugh.

"We can continue later."

"Where's Lo?"

"I gave her a snack and told her she could play on her iPad. Her time is up. No classes this week so she's going to get her reading time in then she'll be free to play."

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