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Connie planted her knee on Five's stomach and an arm pinning him to the ground with a blade held to his throat. "Tell me, Mr. Man, what value does your life hold?" He smirked and her eyebrows creased in question.

"Fleur, that knife in your hand might as well be a feather."


Earlier that week...

Alarms blared an ear-splitting wail in the Umbrella Academy halls and six of the seven siblings scrambled to put on their identical navy blue and red trimmed uniforms and domino masks. One by one they arrived in their Dad's office, lined up by number.

"Our sources say that the notorious larcenist and cultural thief known only by the name of "Connie" was found in Paris and intends on stealing artifacts from the Musée d'Orsay."

"Ooo, Paris. Qui qui," Klaus lightly clapped his hands. His expression quickly became stoic when Sir Reginald Hargreeves stared him down.

The old man's scowl then turned to each one of his children. "It is your job to put an end to this trouble." Those steel eyes landed on Luther. The mini Captain America straightened his stance. "As Number One you will act as their leader when the task deems necessary. Do not fail again," their dad told them in a warning tone then they scampered to the door.

"Ugh!" Ben groaned. "I am so glad we're not his biological children so that we didn't inherit—"

"—That scowl! I know!" Klaus finished Six's sentence and they laughed.

A chimp waited by the door. "The car will take you to the airport where you will board a plane to Paris. I wish I had more information to give you. Good luck, children." Pogo gave them a warm smile which they returned.

"T-Thanks, Po-Pogo," Diego stuttered.

"Remember, picture the word in your mind," Grace told him. Two nodded his head in return. She waved a mechanical hand at them with her red lipstick turning up in a sweet smile as they loaded into the car.

Five held the door open. "Five, what're you doing? You heard Dad. We've got to go!" Luther whined.

The Boy waved a hand for their powerless sister to get in too. "Come on, Vanya," he urged.

She looked with wide eyes at her brother and shook her head. "I-I can't. You guys go ahead."

"How often are you gonna get the chance to go to France? The answer is one time. Specifically now." Ben waved her in too.

"We won't either if you don't close the door, Number Five!" Allison scorned.

The twelve year old boys lifted a brow at her. Seven pressed her lips tightly together a looked intently between the car and Pogo. "I wouldn't advise—" Pogo started but was cut off when she sprinted into the car with a giddy smile. Five slammed shut the door behind her. The chimpanzee sighed and shook his head with a sliver of a grin as the car sped away.

Ben high-fived her. "You made it!"

She nodded her head with a bright grin. "Thank you. Both of you."

"You owe me one, sis." Five exhaled a laugh.

They got into the pristine private jet and slouched into their chairs. Four yawned. "Nine hour long nap, here I come."

"Not yet, we have to go over what we're gonna do when we get there," Luther said. There was a mix of groans.

"Come on, Luther. Take a break. Sit down. We've got a long flight ahead of us for that," Diego said.

Spaceboy scoffed. "You should really be taking this more seriously, you know. This Connie character has slipped by us four times now and we still don't even know what she looks like."

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