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"Hey, can you drive any faster?" Luther coaxed Five from the back seat.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter," Five snapped as he tapped his fingers nervously on the wheel. Klaus looked over at Five to find that his look of perturbation was equal to his own. So much had happened so fast. This world was going to give them all whiplash if they didn't die by it first.

Hadd leaned against a backseat door to allow what little sunlight was left in the mellow sky to illuminate the cursive pen on the pages. Every now and then his eyes would tear up or they'd hear a quiet sniffle from him. Everyone knew why so no one dared to say anything.

They came to a breakneck stop in front of the cabin. The group threw their doors open and ran to the door of the cabin. "Allison!" they all called. When they burst in they found Allison lying in a pool of her own blood spilling from her throat.

"Allison! NO!" Luther cried out as he cradled her head in his big arms and stroked her face. She was hanging on to dear life by a thread.

"Oh, my God. Allison." Fleur held the back of her palm to her mouth. If she wouldn't have herself gotten arrested she might've been able to save her. The others crowded around their sister as they watched their brother fail to choke back tears for his love.

"Please look at me," One begged through sobs as he rocked her drifting body.

There were a thousand scenarios that could've caused this. All of the windows were blown to shards along with everything else glass, all of the furniture was pushed out of place, Harold was still on the loose, and things were scattered across the floor as if a tornado had passed through or a bomb had gone off.

Luther carefully picked her up. "We gotta get Allison to Mom." Spaceboy carried the powerless and quickly fading Rumor in his large arms to take her to the car.

They arrived at the house and Diego, Klaus, Five, and Luther rushed Allison to their mom while Hadd and Fleur hung back. "Um... I don't know where to start... I'm sorry for your loss, but, I'll never be her. I've made a life for myself... Can you think of me as her twin sister? Might help ease it a bit."

"Nothing's gonna ease losing the one person I ever truly loved, Consy... Fleur. Nothing. When they hired you as a replacement I thought," sniff, "maybe we could still make it. Another page in our story that was eternity. Just some memory loss. And when I saw you, talked to you, that first day, I was in love all over again. It felt just like when Connor and I met. No Five of course. Just us."

"If I could bring her back I would in a heartbeat." Fleur rested her hand on his.

He nodded. "So would I... Will you do one thing for me?" his voice quivered.

"Sure. Anything."

"Kiss me?" Fleur bit her lip. "Please?" He looked so broken in that moment, clinging on to what little he had left of his wife. She hesitantly nodded with her eyes and let Haddock close the gap. He moved his hand to caress her cheek and kissed her sweetly with his warm lips. He slowly pulled away, Fleur's eyes still closed in embarrassment at the wrong she allowed. "Thank you... Fleur." She started to take his coat off of her seeing how he's accepted that she was only her look alike but he stopped her with a hand on hers. "Wear it. Please?" For a moment he'd see Fleur in it and think of his wife. Those moments were worth a whole lot more than a jacket. Fleur nodded and put it back on.

Without a word she opened the car door and stepped out into the frigid night air. She pulled her coat around around her then hurried inside.

"I don't think she's breathing," Luther announced as he swiftly carried her to the infirmary.

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