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Her head swiveled side to side in a frenzy while she tried to make sense of where she was. It looked like a scene from the great mountainous shores and flat plain of Ireland but that couldn't be.

She died.

Her rapid breathing gradually steadied. The crash of waves against the rock of the steep continental shelf brought Fleur an odd sense of ease. She expected oceans of raging fire, not a calm breeze on a sunny afternoon.

"Hello?" two voices called back with curly, ginger hair of their own. Fleur's feet were a blur as she ran to her deceased mother and sister.

She collided into their arms. "Mom?" she croaked. The stout woman caressed her cheek. "Booster?" She grinned and hugged her tighter.

"Hey little sis'." They chuckled through sobs.

Something was off. Fleur looked herself up and down. It was her true form. This is what she really looked like... And she was short. Her big sister actually was her big sister now.

"Joining us so soon? Dear, what happened?" Fleur's mother gently took her hand loosely in tow to a white pavilion sitting atop the green grass with the waves on the slope below. It was a peculiar sight. It felt out of place with no other structures in sight.

Fleur sat down between the two and sputtered, "I lived a terrible life, Mom."

There was a hesitation but not for long. "We know what happened... Connor, honey, we love you no matter what. And you have people down there that love you too." Fleur smiled despite her puffy red eyes and tears still streaming down her cheeks.

Her petite big sister bumped her side. "Yes, we're talking about that cutie you're engaged to." They chuckled.

Fleur wiped at her face. "So why are you here?" A gentle rain began to patter on the roof. The cool air it brought with her filled her heart with warmth and made goosebumps crawl across her skin. It was perfect.

I don't deserve this.

Booster put a hand on Fleur's knee. "We came here to see you, Connie."

Suddenly a girl grabbed Fleur's shoulder. "You piece of shit."

"Connor? What're you doing here?"

"You killed me!" Fleur's mouth parted. "If you die, I die, dip 'n dot." She jabbed her chest.

Fleur sputtered, "L-Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't intend—"

"Well you did. I didn't get to say goodbye to Fish. I didn't save the world. And I can't go back because my original is dead! I don't exist! Ha!" She ran her fingers through her hair.

Fleur furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean "go back?""

Fleur's mom and sister looked at her with concern. "Connie, who are you talking to?"

"Oh, this is—" she trailed off. "You can't see her?"

"Who the fuck are you talking to, asshole? It's just us in this box of nothingness for eternity. Have fun," Connor said with a sarcastic smile. Fleur gasped. She not only killed her other self, but she isn't in Heaven... She's trapped. She truly doesn't exist.

The rain parted for a little girl on a bicycle with a single white rose in her basket. Fleur planted her lips on her mom's and sister's cheeks. Then Connor and Fleur walked out to meet her, the rain coming down more forcefully on Fleur's skin, soaking her clothes and frizzling her hair. Connor looked at the weird sight in confusion.

"Hello, Connor," she addressed them both.

"One rose?" Connor tapped her heel.

"Yes," was all she answered. The girl held it out to Fleur in her eighteen year old form. Her rightful age. There were no tricks here.

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