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Fleur fluttered her eyes then narrowed them. This is not my bed. She took a deep breath and sat upright, her legs crisscrossed on the bed, to see Luther pulling a glunch at her. "What's with the face, monkey man?"

He scoffed. "You're kidding right?"

She sighed. "It wasn't me that killed Ben. Ask Klaus if you must." Fleur openly gestured her hand. "Ben and I are on good terms now and—"

"Ha! You expect me to believe that? To trust a cold blooded murderess and a drunk."

"I expect you to trust your brother." Fleur tried to hold back her rough sneer, but was failing. Sure aren't making any friends, that's for sure.

One sat back in his chair, his large form making the chair creak. "Well I can't do that because he's dead! And Klaus is your best friend so he'd say anything for you."

The two's bickering woke Five from his slumber. Five rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What's going on?"

Fleur took a calming breath. "It's nothing." She kissed his head.

Five strained his lips, not believing a word. "If you say so."

Luther turned his hard look to his brother. "Anyway, when's it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse."

"I can't give you the exact hour, but from what I could gather, we have four days left."

Luther narrowed his eyes at him. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"It wouldn't have mattered." Five shrugged and held Fleur's hand. She rubbed his thumb and his features softened.

"Of course it would. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing," Luther protested.

"For the record, you already tried."

"What do you mean?" Spaceboy sat forward.

"I found all of you. You, Diego, Allison, Klaus... and Fleur." He squeezed her hand to reassure himself that she was here, alive, with him now. Those blue eyes that he fell in love with were full of life again.

One shifted his weight, a little antsy at hearing this. "We die?"

"Horribly." He looked back up to Luther. "You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world. All except for Fleur. I still haven't figured out your death yet but, you died all the same. Terribly. I'm not gonna let that happen again."

One's Adam's apple bobbed, trying to process this information. "Wait, how do you know that?"

It hurt Five to recall his time alone in the apocalypse but he had to push that away. "This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you." He unwrapped the glass eye from the cloth he was keeping it in and tossed it to Luther. "Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

"Whose head?" Luther was growing more and more puzzled.

"Like I said, I don't know." The Boy's voice rose slightly.

"Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try—"

"No, that's a dead end." He forced an irritated chuckle. "It's just another hunk of glass."

Diego threw open the door and rushed in. "You pieces of shit." Luther stood up and Five shifted to sit in front of Fleur. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" He stomped after Fleur, but One held him back. "Nope, let me—Get your ape hands off me!" Diego fought him.

Luther picked him up off the ground with his super strength. "I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down."

Diego stopped struggling. "Fine," he panted.

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