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"Where should we take it?" Fleur asked, gesturing to the folder Five had swiped from management.

"I don't know. Where would you and Haddock take it?" he grumbled almost inaudibly under his breath.

"Five Hargreeves!" She scoffed with a fire burning blue in her eyes. She'd never cheat on him. Fleur hated even the insinuation. "That was entirely wrongful of you to say. Hadd was just Connor's friend."

Five scoffed. ""Just a friend" my ass."

Fleur put a hand on her hip. "Your proof?"

Five threw his hands up. "How about when you were training? Connor's old friend could've just grabbed your arms or something, but no. He had to pin you to the mat."

"It was training. It didn't mean anything other than he beat me." Five broke their eye contact and chewed on his lip. It'd meant something to him.

"Bathroom?" Five changed the topic back.

Fleur sighed. "Not great but okay." She grimaced.

"No one will look for us there." Five shrugged.

"Still grody." Fleur huffed. They checked the bathroom to make sure they were alone and clicked the stall door closed behind them.

"Under different circumstances this could be pretty hot." He smirked as he pulled Fleur to him.

"You have got to stop with that." Fleur quietly laughed and freed herself from his grasp. "Also, we're in a fight right now! Sorta." She yo-yoed her head side to side.

His smile fell. "Oh, is that still going on?"

"You did just insinuate the idea of me having an affair with Hadd." Fleur crossed her arms. "Even if Connor had a thing with him, Fleur didn't. And never will, Mr. Man."


"I'll never cheat on you. End of story. I don't even know if Connor did, but I do know that we are different people."

Five sighed and nodded. "Can our fight be over?"

"Absolutely. That was exhausting." Fleur chuckled then they smiled into a kiss.

He sat down on the toilet and opened the folder while Fleur looked over his shoulder. Then they heard the bathroom door open and close. The two went ridged as a pair of boots approached them.

There were two knocks on the door. "Consy, Number Five, I know you're in there." Five sighed and looked at Fleur trying to hide her smile at his annoyance.

She opened the door. "Fish? What're you doing here?"

"Well, you are in the men's bathroom, but I'm here 'cause I know you're plannin' on leavin' 'n... I wanna help you. I don't wanna lose you again. Li, I sadly don't trust to not turn us in, but me? I can help."

"And why would we do that?" Five said in an unwelcoming tone. He glowered when Fleur closed the stall door behind Hadd, bringing him into the stall.

"Consy, you don't remember the ins and outs of this place. I do." Hadd jabbed at his chest. Fleur raised an eyebrow at Five.

"I'm sure we can manage." Five returned him his signature sardonic smile. "Fleur." He gestured for her to open the door and make him leave. Instead she latched the door with a firm look.

"He can be of use."

"And when he betrays us? Turns us in to the Handler?"

"I won't. You can trust me, Consy. Pinky promise." Hadd jutted out his pinky. Fleur looked conflicted but nodded and hooked her little finger around his.

"Great!" Five clapped his hands together. "We're dead."

Fleur flicked his shoulder. "Stop being dramatic, prima donna. He was Connor's best friend. I trust him." Five scoffed. "Just show us your plan." Before he could, the familiar click of heels echoed in the background. "You have got to be kidding me," Fleur murmured then turned invisible while Hadd grumbled as he crawled to the next stall over.

"Gross, gross, gross." Haddock grimaced.

"Shit," Five cursed.

"So, how's your first day going?" the Handler asked as she took the stall on the other side of him.

"Couldn't be better," he responded then slowly tucked the folder back under his shirt. Though, he was actually having a good time with Fleur here but he'd still much rather be home with her and the rest of his family.

"Glad to hear it." She coughed loudly. "I burned my ruggae. Ever burn your ruggae? The ridges of the hard plate that help pass food to the esophagus. Anyway, I'm on a liquid diet for two days, hence the marathon of urination. One faulty cog, and nothing works as it should." There was a silence. "You know, we value integrity at the office above all else. Trust is essential, and that trust is... built over time. But in the event of a breach, the Commission will act swiftly and without mercy."

Fleur's eyes widened. Shiznaz.

"An efficiency I'm sure you of all people can appreciate, Number Five." She left her stall. "I'm feeling peckish. Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet," he replied, playing along. They've come this far. There is no way they're blowing their covers now.

"Great. How would you like to have dinner with me in my office? You can eat solid foods, and I can live vicariously... through you." She peeked over the stall at Five. "I see you've grown attached to our Connor. I'm afraid she won't be able to join us with her new schedule but I'm sure it won't be long before she climbs the management ladder and working alongside you. How does that sound?"

Five looked at Fleur's invisible form. In another life under different circumstances it sounded perfect, but dreams are dreams. "Sounds great," Five said honestly.

The Handler sucked on her teeth. "Connor, you in here?" She didn't move a muscle.

"She's not. This is the men's bathroom."

The old woman put her hands up. "I can take a hint. See you for lunch." She winked then finally walked away. Five, Fleur, and Hadd waited another minute to make sure she was gone then inched out of the doors.

"That was so weird!" Fleur cringed then turned visible.

"Tell me about it." Five grimaced.

"See what I mean! She's not right in the head." Hadd tapped his head.

"So, I wanna know something before we continue on with you apart of the cause," Five directed at Haddock who studied him inquisitively.

He shrugged. "Fire away."

"Five, don't," Fleur groaned but he dismissed it.

Five tucked his hands in his pockets. "Did you have relations with Connor?" Haddock nervously laughed and Five looked at him with steel eyes for his response.

He smoothed his hair and twitched his nose. "Um, no. Connor and I were really good friends. No-no worries there." He gave Fleur a smile that said otherwise.

Five's frown deepened. That was the most pathetic lie I've ever heard. "Wasn't worried."

The door swung open and an employee walked into the bathroom, breaking up their staring contest. "Jeez my neezers, saved by the door." Fleur practically ran from the awkward situation.

Five grabbed Haddock's arm before he could follow her out. Hadd could kill him in a heartbeat but Five didn't seem to care. "Your Connor is dead, Haddock. Fleur is not her. I expect you to respect that. Kapeesh?"

Hadd brushed off his hard grip like it was a feather. "I fell in love with Connor long before that version of her was murdered. Ten years before to be exact. Some memory loss isn't gonna change that. I expect you to respect that. Kapeesh?" Five felt cold as Hadd left after her. A cool flame behind his eyes, just as deadly as the heat.

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