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That night during dinner Fleur didn't show. Five looked at her empty spot beside him and furrowed his eyebrows. He stood up from the table in search of her.

"Number Five, you have not been excused!" their dad called. Five rolled his eyes and kept going.

"Fleur?" He scanned her newly decorated room, but didn't see her. He continued forward then stopped and backed up. He softly grinned when he saw a lump under the covers of his love's bed. Five carefully sat down on the black comforter. "Black huh?" He pulled the blanket back from over her head. Fleur fixed her tousled hair then shrugged. He looked around the room. "It suits you." She smiled a sliver. "Didn't peg you for a plant person though. Especially with your distaste in flowers." He chuckled and gestured to the wall of hanging plants all arranged in an organized mess.

"I always stay moving. Never had the chance to keep any. House plants, greenery, they don't die after a few days. You can keep plants like this for years if you take care of them."

"I'm glad you decided to come back with me. Easily one of the best days of my life." They shared a mellow smile. "Why didn't you come to supper?"

Fleur rubbed a leaf on her pothos between her fingers. "Maybe it's silly, but I was just worried everybody would be mad. It was different when I was Connie. I got to tease you guys with your own powers even if they don't remember it, but now that you're my family, I dunno, it just seemed mean."

He chuckled and curled up on the bed next to her. "That is pretty silly. No one's mad at you. Hell, even Dad's impressed."

"Really? But he walked out. Canceled practice early after Ben and I refused to claim a winner."

"To be honest, we don't know what that was about, but you beat us all on your first day. He's impressed."

She sighed and cuddled with him. "Can't say that means much in my book, but if the others really aren't mad then that-that really makes me happy."

"You haven't had anything to eat. How about we make our date Griddy's?"

"What's Griddy's?" She scrunched her face in distaste.

Klaus stood in the door. "Oh my gosh! It's this donut place and it's just—mwah." He made a chef's kiss with his hand.

"Klaus! What're you doing?" Five fired.

"How long have you been standing there?" Fleur questioned with intense worry as she slowly got out of bed in her pajamas.

"Oh, I just heard Griddy's and thought I'd pop by. Got room on this date for a third wheel? Everyone loves tricycles."

"No no, you can't go with us," Five sternly told him.

"Great. Two minutes I'll be ready."

Fleur chuckled. "Might as well."

""Might as well" what?" Vanya asked.

"We're going to Griddy's," Four told her in his pj's now too.

"Oh, awesome." Vanya went to put her pajamas on too.

"Count me in," Ben added.

Five mumbled, "So much for our date."

"It'll be perfect. Even if it's not the one we had planned." Fleur kissed his cheek. Five simply raised a brow in disbelief.

They all arrived at Griddy's in their light blue pajamas. Five and Fleur watched as the siblings all crowded into the building at once, racing to be the first to order. Five laced his fingers with Fleur's and blinked them inside to some cracked barstools. "Two coffees please," Fleur ordered for them. "And a chocolate donut. That actually sounds really good right now."

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