CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO: The Life that Wasn't

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Connor's timeline:

"You look just like Connor. You're Connie and Connor Smith," Ben accused.

Fleur's face distorted with fear. "I'm not them anymore. This new imposter—"

"Save it," Ben snarled in disgust. "How could you?"

Fleur looked to Five worriedly. "I didn't want to have to do this."

Allison stepped forward. "I heard a rumor—"

"—That you don't remember this. You saw Fleur take down the robber fair and square. I heard a rumor that you will never make the connection between Connie, Connor, and Fleur." Their eyes glowed white then they released the breath they'd been holding.

"Nice job, Eighty." Ben gave her a high-five.

Then came Five who swept her off of her feet. "That's my Fleur." She plastered on a smile.

Fleur laid in bed that night with her eyes wide open. She was trying to decide whether or not rumoring them and running away would be better or if she should stay and let her rumors rot like an infected wound.

Like Five had read her mind, he walked into her room in his soft blue pajamas. He flashed her a smile. "Hey. Nice save today." Fleur huffed and sadly rolled her eyes. She opened her arms and Five climbed into bed with her. She was entrapped in his hold now so that took out the option of running away that night. You can't do that with a warm heart.

"Not now, Five..." Fleur groaned. He was making this all very difficult.

"What's the matter?" he asked. They were snuggled close enough to feel their breath.

She looked into his hazel-green eyes and swallowed back her worry. If anyone would understand it'd be him. "I... I snapped. Back in London... I was about to kill the robber, Five... The family found out I was Connor and Connie... And I rumored you all." She broke down in tears. "Five, I'm so sorry."

"Hey hey hey. It's alright." Five pressed her face onto his shoulder and she wept. Her tears wet his shirt but he didn't mind one bit. She wasn't as strong as everyone thought she was and he knew it. "I knew that this was a possibility. That they'd figure it out eventually, and, I know that you're thinking about running, but Fleur, stay. Please. I need you here with me. I can honestly say that I don't remember what my life was here until I met you. We'll figure it out." Five hugged her tighter and she cried harder. "I love you."

"I can't keep rumoring them. I can't...sniffle...I can't do it."

Five hesitated on his words while he stroked her hair. "...I can't lose you... You... You're gonna have to, alright? Please?" His stomach turned and his mouth went dry saying those words. He didn't want to ask Fleur to rumor his family at every whiff of possibility that the others had found out, but if he had to choose, he'd choose her every time.

"I don't wanna say okay." Fleur felt like agreeing to it would make things final even though she'd made up her mind. If Five hadn't shown up in her room then she'd probably be boarding the next flight to anywhere about now.

"That's fine. I don't particularly care for saying it either, but if it means I'll stay with you then it's a no-brainer."

She blubbered through a soft chuckle. "And they said I'm the bad influence." He chortled with her and kissed her forehead.

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