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Fleur jumped awake and found herself in a dark room—no, a prison, with spikes lining every inch of the walls and ceiling to add some flare. The only source of light illuminating the suffocating room was emitting from the thick glass of a small window.

She'd been here before.

Fleur winced from her throbbing headache. She groggily put her palm to her forehead. Eight had the urge to lay back down and fall asleep but she was more curious than anything. Fleur examined the room to try to gather what she could on where she was. She managed to stand with a slight waver in her step like her legs were going to betray her at any moment.

Obviously she was imprisoned. "Guess the family finally followed through," she mumbled to herself, though she wasn't set on the circumstances. Her headache made it hard for her to think at all.

The spikes on the ceiling prevented escape using Vanya's power probably. If her force wasn't strong enough then they'd just fall down on her and she clearly wasn't in any shape to try.

Fleur looked over to see her sister sprawled out on the ground beside her. "Told you," Fleur wanted to sing but now wasn't the time. "Vanya?" Fleur shook her arm but only got a quiet groan in return.

Eight stumbled over to the window in hope of some answers but only received more questions when she saw Klaus, Luther, and Diego bickering while Allison vigorously scribbled on a yellow notepad.

"SHE IS A MURDERER" Allison wrote on her paper and Klaus tried to push past Luther but his efforts were futile against his super strength.

Fleur couldn't hear their arguments but they seemed very heated, even for this family. The door must be pretty thick. Vanya woke up and popped her head up beside her to peer out the window at the scene then they erupted into another fit of hand gesturing, hitting Luther, and muffled shouting.

"What's going on?" she groggily asked and flinched at the light.

"Either a debate over whether waffles or pancakes are better or we're trapped and I told you so."

Allison flipped the page on her notebook and furiously scribbled. "SERIOUSLY VANYA TOO?" This seemingly changed her tone. "LET HER GO." She tapped her pen on the paper to enforce her thought.

"Oh to be loved." Fleur chuckled to herself.

"Wouldn't exactly call being tricked into a prison loved."

"MY FAULT" Allison wrote and tapped her chest. This seemed to take Vanya by surprise. Fleur darted her eyes to the girl trapped with her then back to her other sister with bandaging around her neck. She'd seen what had happened and Allison wasn't the most forgiving person. At least not in her experiences with her.

Allison went to walk over to the door to let them out but Luther put an arm in front of her. Her face distorted with rage and shoved the menace. Fleur slunk back.

"Where's Hadd or Five when you need them?" Eight murmured.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Vanya yelled to her as she slapped the window. They left in defeat one by one. "No! No! No! No! I'm sorry!" Seven screamed but either the walls were too thick to hear her cries or they didn't care. Either way their efforts would be for nothing. No one could best Spaceboy's super strength. No one except Haddock but he was no where to be found. Five could've possibly spatial jumped them out of their confinement but he was saying his goodbyes to Delores in Gimbel Brothers by now.

Fleur rubbed her sister's arms to calm her but she was still really on edge. She'd been trapped here before as a child. Vanya was taken here when she was little. Now they knew that the story of her being sick and having to be quarantined was a lie. Fleur remembered Five telling her about it as kids when she asked about this room. Knowledge of Vanya's own powers was sick thing to keep from the girl.

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