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Fleur sat next to Luther in the hospital wing at Allison's bedside. "You're going to do what now?"

Fleur sighed. "I'm going to shapeshift into her and with our bodies in sync I'm going to attempt to sync our minds too. Just enough to see what happened to her." Fleur shifted into Allison. Everyone had gathered around to watch the spectacle. To see how far Fleur's powers really can go.

"And you're sure this will work?" Luther creased the skin between his eyebrows and squeezed Allison's hand.

"Nope." Fleur took a breath and closed her eyes. She moved her hand to Three's head and got to work. Fleur's mind shifted in a new tingling sensation. It morphed and she flinched every now and then when a nerve would move its position. Slowly static appeared louder, and louder, and louder until it became almost too much to bear then Fleur's eyes shot open. She found the right channel.


She arrived at the cabin to hear Vanya playing her violin while the lights swung back and forth with the rapid music. "Vanya? Is that you?" Allison asked as she opened the door to see her sister.

Fleur looked at her body walking in her head. "Allison!" she called but she couldn't hear her. Fleur stepped in front of her but she walked straight through like she wasn't even there.

"Vanya, there you are. What is going on?" The two looked at the over head lights swinging, the curtains bustling, and the air seemingly swirling at Vanya's will as she played.

"Vanya has powers?"

"What are you doing here?" Vanya asked Allison.

"I came to find you. I need to talk to you," Three said in awe. "Are you okay?" the Rumor asked. She was scared.

"It's a little late to be asking that don't you think?" Fleur gruffed.

Vanya looked at her somewhat perplexed. "Yeah."

"There's something... weird going on. What's causing it?" Allison asked.

"This is me." She looked happy to finally be apart of something. To fit in with her siblings. A gift she was never granted that the others considered a curse.

"What do you mean me?"

"I mean... I make these things happen." Seven gestured to the swaying furniture. "With my powers. Turns out I've had them all of this time. It's weird, huh?" Allison gasped.

Fleur's eyes went big as she marveled at it all with a growing smile. Fleur turned back to her. "No. It's beautiful, Van," she told her as if she could hear.

Allison however did not smile. She was petrified. Fleur was on the brink of it herself, knowing what was to come. "It's incredible."

Vanya's smile faded. "But..."

"Ca-Can we do this in the car?"

"Why?" Vanya spat.

"You're not gonna want to hear it."

"Well, that's never stopped you before," Vanya snapped at Allison. It was true that they weren't exactly close as kids nor adults. Never thought they'd kill each other though.

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