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Fleur climbed the stairs to her room then flicked through the hangers. "Still surprised they left my stuff. Aaaand I left my last sweatshirt I have here in 1925. Fantastic."

Five smiled from his spot on her bed. "That mean you're gonna be matching me?" Fleur huffed and caught Five's uniform jacket. "Wear it?" He gave her an almost mocking look of Haddock and his leather jacket that she wore for so long. She looked unamused.

Fleur chucked it back. "That's not funny."

Five threw it back in a game of catch. He chuckled. "I'm serious. Will you wear it? Please?"

Fleur sighed. "Fine. You gotta leave so that I can change though."

He slumped. "Why?"

"Did you seriously just ask me why?" His pouty demeanor didn't change. "How about the fact that you were being a complete asshat to Hadd and I?"

He scratched his neck. "I'm not like doghoused or anything though, right?"

Fleur put a hand on her hip. "Depends. Did you get rid of the doll?"

"N-Not yet." He turned his green eyes to his hands. Five knew he needed to part ways with Delores but it was difficult.

"Will you?" He nodded and she took his hand. Fleur lent him a honeyed smile. "Thank you." She kissed his cheek. "Take as long as you need." She understood the hardship. He was with Delores for thirty years. That has to take a toll on a person. "I love you."

"I love you too," Five replied with a kiss then marched out of the room. She changed into her old uniform but with Five's jacket. Not that there was any difference physically but it had one crucial factor: it was Five's. Fleur smelled the fabric. Even after seventeen years it still held remnants of his old cologne.

Not long after, Eight heard Vanya's voice. Vanya's back. An almost unseen smile tugged at a corner of her mouth for a brief second. She still believed in what she saw but she was still Vanya, the girl that kept her secret and stuck up for her. The girl that was her friend despite all of her wrongs. Surly there was a misunderstanding. Fleur slipped on the jacket then quickly plodded down the stairs to see her.

"Hello?" Fleur stepped down the stairs and her eyes rested on her sister. Vanya squinted her eyes in Fleur's direction. "Eight?" Those eyes went as big as saucers.

"In the flesh." Fleur gave her a smile. She jogged to her for a hug. She looked Fleur over as if she wasn't actually standing directly in front of her. As if Fleur was the ghost she thought she must be after all those years gone. Seven still struggled to wrap her mind around the idea that her best friends were back. "Um, Sev? I wanna clear the air real quick..." Vanya shifted feet. "I know that you have powers... That you almost killed Allison."

"I'm so so sorry." Tears welled in her eyes. "I can't tell you how sorry I am."

Fleur took her hand. "You were angry and maybe even a little scared. I know you didn't mean it. You still need to find your ground with your powers. I understand that." She sadly smiled.

"Thank you," she squeaked. The two heard footsteps approaching from the balcony. Vanya and Fleur looked up to see the muscular form of Luther.

"Vanya," the large man said in a low voice then there was silence.

"Is Allison..." She looked between them.

"She survived," Luther answered gravely.

Vanya sighed in relief and focused on her shoes. "Thank God."

"What happened?" he inquired.

"We got in an argument. And things got out of control. I didn't mean to hurt her," her voice cracked.

"We know you didn't," Fleur answered for her brother who turned his cold stare to her.

"Please, you have to believe me," she begged Number One.

"I do," Luther replied, but there was something behind his eyes. Something he wasn't saying.

Fleur stepped forward. "Did she wake?" Luther nodded his eyes. He despised the fact that Fleur had been telling the truth. It's easier to hate someone who is rotten to the core.

Fleur stiffened. He knows that Vanya almost killed his love. "It was an accident." She turned to Fleur then back to him. "And I was... I was angry, and... uh, it just happened." He inched towards her. "Can I see her?"

"She's resting now," he abruptly proclaimed, his deep monotone voice never faltering. "Maybe later."

She nodded in disappointment. "Is it okay if I wait here for a bit?"

Fleur narrowed her eyes at him. "Actually, Sev, do you wanna take a walk with me?" She needed to get her out of this.

"You're welcome to wait, Vanya." His welcoming comment didn't match his countenance as he opened his arms for a hug. Fleur gently grabbed her arm, holding her back from his embrace. Something wasn't right. He hadn't been calm like this since the incident. She turned to look at her hand on her arm and her face crinkled in question. It was the same look Fleur wore, the exception being the determination to protect her sister. No matter what.

One and Fleur's eyes locked and he tilted his head upwards ever so slightly in a way that told her to go along with whatever he was planning. He opened his log arms wider to welcome her into his hug. Eight's face and shoulders relaxed with understanding and she clenched her arm tighter. Seven looked at her tight fist around her and her eyebrows furrowed even more.

"You're not gonna lay a finger on her," Fleur demanded in a stoic voice, her demeanor following. She lightly tapped the back of her arm where their brother couldn't see "Trust me" in morse code... but she forgot that it had only been Five and Fleur's thing so she didn't seem to understand. Fleur silently cursed to herself.

Luckily she went along with her makeshift plan anyway. Vanya quizzically looked at Fleur staring intently over Luther's shoulder and copied the look. This made the ape man look at the two girls with curiosity then glanced behind him to where they had been staring. He found nothing there. Fleur shuffled her feet loud enough for him to hear but didn't move. When he turned back to them he saw two identical Vanyas and frowned.

Luther chuckled. "Can't believe I fell for that. Listen, all I want is a hug and a clean slate."

"As much as I'd love to do that, right now isn't the best time," Fleur said as Vanya. Seven vividly looked taken aback so Fleur had to mimic it. He hated Fleur but he was after Vanya.

Seven turned to her brother. "I'll be back in a little bit, okay? When Allison is finished resting."

Fleur clenched her jaw at her use of "I'll." You gotta work with me, Sev.

One had another idea... He looked between them in an interrogation to see who was who. The slightest twitch is all it would take... and he knew just how to get it. "Vanya, I'm not after you. Alright? Connor murdered again. She murdered Diego."

Vanya's look of shock came on cue. Fleur rolled her eyes and morphed back. What even was the point anymore? "I didn't kill Diego, Sev. I'm trying to save you from being hurt by Sasquatch."

"I saw it happen. Think about it, Vanya. They haven't gotten along since she showed up. Are you going to trust your brother," he gestured to himself, "or a murderess that you saw with your own eyes kill our beloved Ben?"

She sputtered and backed away from Fleur. "Vanya, I didn't do it. He's lying."

"It's only a matter of time before she kills again."

Vanya's eyes and fists glowed with emotion. "Vanya I didn't kill him!" Seven was getting too worked up. A burst of light flung Fleur back like a bomb going off. Seven saw her unconscious body and powered down. She whimpered and held a hand over her mouth. Vanya ran to her body but Luther caught her arm.

"Oh my God. Oh my God oh my God oh my God. Did I kill her?" Luther took her into a hug. "I didn't mean to. I-I-I couldn't help it." The hug grew tighter. "Luther.. I can't breathe." Tighter. "Luth...Luther." Her face flushed blue at him restricting her airflow. He hugged her even tighter and she fell limp.

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