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"Another mission! Finally." Fleur gleefully exclaimed. "Where's it gonna be you think? Japan? Egypt? England? I've always wanted to see Big Ben."

Five lifted a brow. "Most of our missions aren't near as grand as Paris just so you know."

"They can't all be robberies. I mean you tracked Connie all the way to France."

They lined up by number in Reg's office for him to give the order. Fleur was trying to suppress her brilliant smile. "Your mission will be to track down the illusive Connor Smith. Our intelligence says that she has resurfaced in England." Fleur's jaw dropped.

Five looked at her with a grin. "Guess you got your wish after all."

"But I thought she died?" Fleur squeaked, twiddling her fingers in a nervous tick.

"While that was previously believed, we now have suspicion that she is at it again. The jet will be waiting. Don't fail again."

Fleur plodded to the jet with big eyes while Five had a slim grin and a pep in his step at going on another mission with his love. "Good luck children," Pogo added as they boarded the plane.

Fleur looked at her feet with owl eyes. Five creased his forehead at her odd behavior. "Fleur, you okay?"

I've gotta tell him. Fleur sighed and took his hand then they moved into the front of the plane separate from the others.

"Fleur? If you're nervous don't be. You'll do great, alright?" Five gave her hollow expression a tiny smile and clasped his hands around hers.

She peeked around then closed the curtain. "Five, it's not her. It's not Connor Smith."

"How do you know? The things she did, Fleur, it's hard to mistake that mess. Those massacres, I mean, it's almost impressive, but if she really is killing again then..." He tightened his lips. "...Then she needs to be put down. What she does..." He shook his head. "You don't wanna see it. You'll do fine though. Nothing is gonna happen to you."

"Five, she's dead, okay? She's no more. This isn't her."

Five sat forward with slightly narrower eyes. "Do explain."

"Five... what do you believe happened to Connor Smith?"

"That she died, but I must be wrong if Dad is sending us."

"How did she die?"


"You said you believed she died. How did she die?"

He paused as he tried to recall, but he couldn't. "I don't—" Five's eyes went big. "Rumored. Connor, Connie, they're both—"

"They're both me, Five. That was my life. That's where my nightmares originate, at least most of them, and they have every right to. Just seeing what I'd leave behind would give any person bad dreams. I'm the one that should've been put down."

Five couldn't hide his creeping horror. "Fleur—"

"How can you still call me Fleur? After all I've done. I really thought that you all had made the connection between Connie and Connor and that you fell in love with me despite that that day. Now you know my sins... Now what?" There was a long pause and Fleur's heart turned to lead. She nodded and got up to leave, but Five tugged her back into an embrace.

"You're not your past. You're my Fleur. I love you." The two looked over to see Vanya with a gaping mouth.

"Vanya..." Fleur put out a soothing hand.

She took a step back. "Y-Y-You're.. You're Connor?"

"Not anymore."

"You can't tell anyone. Please Vanya," Five pleaded.

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