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Fleur knocked her knuckles on Allison's door and waited. When they received no answer after ten seconds, Five stepped up and thumped the side of his fist on the wood. "Jeez, Five. Maybe no one's home."

"Their car's parked out front." Five directed his thumb to the vehicle in the driveway.

"Still," she grumbled. There was nothing wrong with the way he knocked but something so little was the difference between 'hey, open up' and 'open the door this minute'. Guess their intentions were for the second anyway.


Their ears perked up at the possibly worrisome sound coming from inside the house. "Yeah, someone's definitely home." Fleur shifted into Five and blipped past the red door. She opened it to Five before he could use his own ability to do the same.

He pursed his lips at the semi-odd gesture. Typically it would be the other way around. "Uh, thanks." She hummed back then pivoted to search for the source of the noise.

They heard mumbling from in the next room and slowly maneuvered towards it. When they turned the corner, instead of seeing Allison, they saw Klaus sprawled out on the kitchen floor talking to a ghost with a flask in hand. "Klaus, I thought you were getting sober?" Fleur crossed her arms.

"Five? Flower?" Klaus squinted to see them more clearly. "Nice of you lovebirds to finally turn up."

He held the flask out to Five who shook his head. "Here on business actually."

Klaus held it out to Fleur. She stared at the thin metal jug and multiple bottles of various alcohol then took a sip. "Bleck. That tastes terrible. What're you drinking, Klaus?" Four took it back and shrugged, tipping the alcohol to his lips. It appeared, and tasted, like he'd been experimenting with mixtures of alcohol.

They heard groggy footsteps descending the stairs and Fleur and Five jumped to attention.

"What ghost are you talking to now?" Allison's voice tiredly asked through a yawn.

"Oh just a business asshole and a judgy slightly less asshole."

"Don't they sound like a pair." Then she slowed her pace when she saw the two unexpected guests. Allison scampered over to Fleur and hugged her. Fleur's mouth opened and closed at a loss of what to say. She looked at Five for a clue and he just shrugged. Fleur slowly put her arms around her sister, hugging her back. Allison held her at arm's length to look her over. "Wow I haven't seen you guys in forever. Where have you been? How are you?"

"In Dallas too actually. Showed in '63 then went back to '59."

Then she looked to Five for his answer. "I just arrived four days ago which leaves six to save the world so I'm bringing you two back to a safe house."

"Safe house?" Fleur quirked an eyebrow in question.

"Well, the Swedes won't know to look there."

Fleur blinked. "That's—That's a good point, yeah."

"Okay, why would we ever go with you? You stranded us in the timeline." Allison scoffed and flourished a hand.

"Better than a fiery death, no?" Fleur scoffed then Allison pulled her hands away. Fleur's eyes bulged and her lips parted. "Um, uh, I didn't mean—It's because we need to get the Academy back together. We need to get this thing fixed so that we can go home. And Five didn't mean to." She looked at Allison intently, in a way that was practically pleading for her to put her arms around her again.

Allison gave her a little nod and Fleur's shoulders relaxed in relief. Fleur didn't know when she started craving her family's affection, but once she had it she couldn't let it go.

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