CHAPTER FIVE Part One: Don't Go

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"Don't go. I don't think it's worth the risk. They'll come to a decision on their own anyway, right?"

"Good point." He turned off his watch. "Plus I'm pretty comfy right here where I'm at. Don't even care that my arm is currently going numb where you've been laying on it." Connie got up and he chuckled and pulled her back. "I'm kidding." She rested her head back on his shoulder and they dozed off, only to be waken up by the sting of a needle in their necks.


Fleur's eyes fluttered open to find herself in a dark room, no, a prison. There were spikes lining the walls and a single window on the door barely illuminating the room. It was suffocating. The large room was as smothering as a Walmart during Black Friday.

She peeped out the window to see the entirety of the Umbrella Academy in a heated debate about what to do. Fleur couldn't hear it though. The door must be really thick. She saw a radiant blue glow enveloping Five's hands. He couldn't blink through the walls of whatever they were made out of.

"Fleur is not Connie!" It is true. Her three days are up. "She's not a robber." She was a burglar. There's a difference. His siblings might be able to be swayed but once Reginald caught a whiff of the story, there was no telling what he'd do.

"Those are lies and you know it," Luther snarled.

"Number One." Reginald demanded authority. "Open the door."

Their faces filled with shock. "But she'll escape."

"I will not tell you again." Luther nodded then, like a soldier, opened the door. Fleur skeptically creeped out. Next their dad handed Five a blade. He furrowed his brows in vexation. "Number Three." Allison straightened her spine. "Rumor Number Five to stab himself in the heart." Their shock turned to terror and their limbs became stiff.


"If this girl is who you claim she is then she will have no trouble using Five's power and spatial jumping from that end of the room to save him. His heart is what's caused this mess after all."

"Fleur. Is. Not. Connie!" Five said in a venomous hiss. Not anymore.

"We will shortly see. Number Three."

Five dropped the knife. "Allison, don't do it. Please don't do this."

Her eyes glistened. "She'll-she'll save you. I have to do it, Five."


Her voice shook. "I heard a rumor... that you stabbed yourself in the heart." Five's eyes glowed and he shakily picked up the knife he tossed then took it in both hands aimed for his chest. The beads of sweat on his forehead and strained jaw were the only tells that he was fighting it on the inside but his efforts were futile.

He won't do it. His family won't let that happen. That's-that's crazy. Fleur ran for him keeping her cover but she was too late. A river of red drizzled from his chest and the once silver knife clattered to the ground. At once nothing else mattered. Five was the one person in her world that she didn't know she needed and he was dying too. "FIVE! NO! What did I do?! Five!" She cradled his head and brushed back his hair. "Five stay with me!" Tears swelled in all of their eyes except for Sir Hargreeves who only held an amused look.

Five fleetingly looked at Fleur and smiled. "I love you," he whispered out before his light was taken.

"Five? This can't be happening." She wept ugly tears as his sticky blood pooled around her. "You can't die. I love you. You can't... You can't die. Five?.. Mr. Man?"

That's when Klaus saw Five appear, looking down at his mortality. Klaus covered his mouth. His brother really was dead.

Five's ghost looked down at his body to his lady bawling over him. "T-Tell Fleur it wasn't her fault. She did the right thing. Tell her I love her. Always will. And that I'm gonna be watching over her. Okay, Klaus?"

Number Four looked from his ghost brother with the red stain forever on his chest to Fleur. "Five, um, wants to tell you—" Her eyes widened and she morphed into the Séance to see him for herself.


"I'm here. I'm here." Fleur sprinted up to hug her love but she went right through him.

She shook her head. "No. Five, I'm gonna save you. I'll be right back. I love you... so much."

Five smiled and caressed her face. She couldn't feel it but she knew he was there. "That's my Fleur." She smiled back with watery eyes then switched back knowing he was still there.

"Well, this solves this squabble. Connie will be taken to a high security prison for grand theft... and the murder of Number Five."

Allison stared at her brother with horror. "I killed him... I killed Five... All for Dad."

Fleur glared up at Reg with hot tears in her eyes, boiled by the anger inside her. She took the knife then spatial jumped and stabbed the old man in the neck. "You have no heart to impale," Fleur sneered. He choked and gurgled then dropped to the ground.

Three and One held each other in their arms while Six sat on the ground in shock, not trusting his legs to give out underneath him. Four held onto comatose Seven and Two was unable to move, only stare at the scene. Five, however, was smiling at his girl.

Time travel. Five's power is the manipulation of space and time. I just need a few seconds. Fleur switched into Five. First she scanned over his undead hands that were now hers and some more tears strolled down her cheeks.

Then her arms glowed a brilliant blue and she ran. Everything went in slow motion in reverse. Sadly Reggie was no longer dead, tears gathered into their eyes as if they never fell in the first place, and Five... The blood returned to his body and he stood up on his own, alive again. She laughed with a joy she didn't know she could muster.

Wait... Maybe, just maybe, I can travel back a litttle further...

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