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The group crammed like sardines inside Diego's car sitting across the street from a police station. "Do you know how easily I could turn you in right now?" Diego looked at Fleur through the rearview mirror.

Haddock raised his head, giving him a look that portrayed just how much he was itching for him to act out and give him a reason to boil over. "Try it," he barked. Diego backed down and sat back in the comfort of the driver's seat. "Smart move."

Fleur had to sit in the middle seat between Five and Hadd to keep them from murdering each other. She flipped through the therapist's book of hard to make out script, learning about Connor. She really did start out just like herself. She pitied the girl in the book.

"What're you reading?" Five asked.

She closed the book a little with doe eyes, having been caught in headlights. "Oh, um, nothing. Busy reading to keep my mind off things." Lie number one.

Five rested a hand on her knee. "It'll all work out. We'll save the world, Fleur."

She nodded. "Yeah. We will." Lie number two.

Hadd looked at the strange yet familiar cover of the same style book Carmen used in his sessions. Coincidences happen all of the time though. Still, he was curious. "Can I see that?" He gestured to the book.

She hastily snapped it shut and secured it back in her inside pocket. "It's just a Commission manual. Protocol whatnot. Nothing you haven't heard." Lie number three.

Haddock accepted her answer and sighed. "If you say so, Consy."

So far she'd read up until six months in and was dying to get the book out again but not in front of everyone. She didn't know what she'd find in the private records, especially when her family life had to have been mentioned.

"Do we have a plan?" Hadd inquired.

"Well, I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record. We just gotta get our hands on this file," Diego stated. "It's a start on finding him."

"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison questioned in a snarky tone.

"I know this station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside."

"Handcuffed," Allison finished with a scoff.

Diego waved off the comment that he couldn't deny. "Whatever. Here's the plan."

"Plan?" Five asked.

"Why don't me or Five just blip in there and get the file? No plan needed."

"No that's not—" Diego started. "You don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"

"I literally just did this yesterday," Five scoffed.

"It's true."

Allison and Diego looked between the couple with confusion. "What?" they puzzled in sync.

"Our yesterday, not your yesterday," Fleur clarified.

"It'll take me two seconds. Why don't I just go?" Five bargained.

"I seriously could've been back by now." Fleur put two fingers to her temple.

"Listen to me. You are not going in there. I made a call. That's what a leader does. He leads."

Fleur sighed. "Okay, Real Man. Just hurry up and be careful okay?"

Diego nodded his head with the bridge of his nose creased then got out of the car and headed for an alleyway. Hearing his old nickname stung enough, but her kindness despite everything—even worse.

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