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"Well... He's gonna want an update on you. Why we haven't caught you yet. I'll be sent back home or rumored by Allison, one of the two. But I also might be able to plead your case. What would you do?" Five turned his green eyes to her.

Fleur looked took in her surroundings and found herself lying on her back again looking up at the moon, and Five. Five was alive. Tears blurred her vision and she pulled him into a strong hug. "You okay?" Five stroked her hair.

"Never better," she brightly smiled through still burning eyes then wiped away her tears. "We should go. I think I've got a plan. You're just gonna have to trust me on it. I'll stay close by, invisible, so if need be and it doesn't work, I'll step in so nothing will happen to you."

beep beep beep

Five sighed. "Let's go." The Boy blipped himself and invisible Fleur to the others.

They all looked befuddled by his presence. "Five. Didn't think you'd show."

"Well I did."

"Where's Connie?"


Luther scoffed. "You're kidding right?" They stopped their bicker when Reggie's face showed on the screen.

"Any news? Have you caught Connie yet?"

They looked between each other with worry on how to spill out the drama that has happened in the last few days. Five spoke up. "No, we have not."

"And why is that?"

"Because Five—"

"Because she's dead."

"What?" the family murmured in unison to Five's stoic expression. In reality he was trying to keep back his smile.

"And do you have her body as proof or anything to show for this?"

"No. I do not."

Klaus grabbed Five's arm. "I think we need to talk to our brother right quick, Pops."

"Do not—" Klaus flipped the switch on the tv and the screen went dark.

"Is she really or was that a lie?"

"Connie is dead. No more. Kicked the bucket. Now, don't freak out. No big deal. Fleur." He waved into the air then Fleur reappeared out of thin air and Five stepped behind her.

Their eyes went big. "Con—"

"I heard a rumor that you don't remember what Connie looks like or that she could shape-shift. You believe she died in a fire. No body to be recovered." The siblings' eyes glowed with Fleur's influence then once more. "I heard a rumor that you don't remember Fleur." She turned back into herself just as they broke from their trance.

"Oh hey Five. Who's the girl?" Six wiggled his brows and Five and Fleur giggled and held each other's hand. Their plan worked.

"Let me introduce you to Fleur, the love of my life." They swung their conjoined hands.

"Aww! How cute." Four clutched his heart. "Deets later. We should probably update Daddy-o on the information we haven't found out about Connie." Klaus dramatically rolled eyes then they all turned their attention back to their dad, their shoulders lighter and their heads no longer in a whirl of turmoil.

"We believe Connie died in a fire. That's why there is no body left to be found," Three told the screen.

"Is that so? Well, I suppose the mission has come to an end. The jet will be waiting for you in twenty minutes."

"Wait, Dad, there's someone I want you to meet." Five brought his love in line of the frame. "This is Fleur. She's special. One of the forty-three kind of special."

She morphed into different forms and turned invisible, flaunting her power. "Nice to meet you, Sir Reginald Hargreeves." Fleur tried to suppress her deep hatred. All she could see was her chiseling a knife into his neck, that and the family's eagerness, especially Five's. She'd be able to spend everyday along side Five if she just waited to kill Reggie.

"Extraordinary. I expect you'll be on the jet back then too, is that correct?"

She looked at Five and he nodded. Fleur turned back to the bright screen with a grand smile. "Yes. That's correct if you will."

"Splendid... Number Eight. I will see you all in ten hours. Rest up. You have another mission upon your arrival."

The screen went dark and she turned to Five with a grimace. "You weren't kidding about the not-so-cuddly father thing." She wasn't sure when the right time to tell him about the whole time-travel snafu but right now wasn't it.

"Afraid not, Number Eight." She rolled her eyes but her smile remained.

Four and Six draped an arm around her shoulders. "Welcome to the family, Eighty," Ben said with a newfound enthusiasm.

"Mmm, flower. I like it," Klaus tested the nickname.

"I'd run while you still can." Allison snickered.

"Pshh, you're gonna love it here. A big mansion filled with constant training and rules and missions. The horrors are just to die for," Klaus added.

Luther shot the Séance a dirty look. "It's not that bad. It can be nice."

"And plus, if you ever need someone to talk to I'm pretty much always free." Vanya gave her a kind smile.

Diego stepped up. "Don't let the first few days overwhelm you though. It gets easier."

Lastly, Five pulled her in close and kissed her cheek. "Welcome to the family, Fleur."

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