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"Damn it, Five! You had one job," Klaus exclaimed.

Five scoffed and clicked the X on the corner of the screen, returning the computer to its homepage of some sunset view in Italy. "She's happy with what's-his-face in the 1950s. What's more to say?" he grumbled.

"Doesn't mean that we don't miss Flower!"

Five scoffed again. "No one else missed her, Klaus. She's gone now and no one cares." He threw his hands up at his side in a dare for anyone paying attention to challenge him. They all felt it, no matter how much they tried to ignore it. They missed her.

"The bastard that nearly killed Allison is still out there with Vanya. We need to go after her," Diego ordered.

"What about what Flower was saying happened? That Vanya has powers," Klaus inquired.

"She was delusional," Diego answered.

Five spoke next. "Vanya is not important." Fleur would be scowling at me right now for not wording that right.

Diego narrowed his eyes. "Hey, that's your sister. A little heartless even for you, Five."

Yeah, well, my heart left with another man. He decided to correct himself anyway. "I'm not saying I don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us," Five snapped. "Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

Luther quirked an eyebrow at his outburst. "You're not taking Connor's side and escaping?"

"We don't have time for this." Five rolled his eyes. Without her he was back to his usual austere self. The man created by the apocalypse.

"I agree, let's go get the bastard." Diego waved them out.

"You guys count me out," Klaus declared for the second time. "I mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just... I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly-sober me, so..."

"You're coming," Diego dictated.

"No, no, no. I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's... I mean, it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back," he tried to reason. He wanted to get polluted. Klaus supposed he was the only one to believe his sister and didn't want to go on a wild goose chase.

"Klaus, get up," Five demanded. He knew why he wanted to stay back and wasn't having it.

"You can't make me," Four pouted until Diego sent a knife hurtling between the Séance's legs, quickly changing his tone. "Oh, then again, a little exercise couldn't hurt." Klaus hesitated until he caught Five's glower making him briskly stand up and start making headway to the car.

They arrived to find Harold lying dead on the kitchen floor with multiple knives punctured into his chest. Diego put a hand to his chin. "It's not exactly what I was expecting." They stared down at the human pincushion.

"The understatement of the year," Five said with his hands in his pockets. "I just wish I'd have been the one to do it." They spent so long chasing him and now they're staring their enemy in his dead face. The question weighed on all of them, especially Five: What now?

Klaus remarked, "No sign of Vanya." He believed Fleur though. A normal human being couldn't create a mess like this.

"Let's get out of here, before the cops come." Two stepped towards the door and waved for the others to follow.

The Academy hastily headed out, all except for Five. He stood still examining the body. "In a minute." They sighed. He knelt down next to his body and unwrapped the glass eye from his pocket.

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