CHAPTER TWO: Hello Fleur

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The four arrived at their museum. "Bet she's at the fifth. Either that or laughing in her stupid invisible invisiblness," Ben grouched into his earpiece from another story up.

"Well, we'll just have to see won't we?" Five replied into the air. Then a girl bumped into him, sending his ear piece flying. "Shit."

"Hi, I am so so sorry." Connie looked up to see none other than Five. She stared at him with fear written on her face. Why is it always him? What if he remembers? What if—what if this is it?

"It's fine," Five grumbled then met her stare. Their eyes locked and something just... clicked. "I'm-I'm Five."

"I know. Number Five. The Boy." His face vaguely soured at the name.

"Right." He scratched his neck. "What's yours?"

"Co—" She glanced at a passing woman's bag with a sunflower painted on it. "Fleur. My name is Fleur."

"Nice to meet you, Fleur." She held out a hand for him to shake. Five took it and brought her knuckles to his lips. She exhaled a faint laugh.

What am I doing?! I can't be with him like this! But her rosy cheeks disobeyed her. "So, um, what're you doing in Paris? After the art thief by any chance?" They sat down on a bench together.

"Yeah actually. Connie's good but not better than me." Five smirked.

She laughed. "Hasn't she beat you guys like six times now? Um, word gets around."

"Maybe, but we've got her this time."

"Is that so?" She gave him a sly grin.

"Yup." He mirrored it.

"Let me guess. You guys split up between museums this time?" Connie quirked a brow.

He shifted in his seat. "Possibly. You're quick."

"Thank ya." She chuckled. "Not too feeble minded yourself." Connie looked over her shoulder and saw the one they call Number Six coming their way. "Look, I gotta go. Um, good luck with the chase." She gave him a honeyed smile and started away.

Five grabbed her hand. "Wait. How will I find you?"

Her heart filled with butterflies. Shoot. Don't do it. "Um, meet me at the Louvre. Midnight." Connie mentally sighed. I did it... She waved a pale hand then left Five with a dopey grin.

His siblings came down the stairs. "Who's the girl?" Ben asked suspiciously.

"Fleur. And before you ask, just because she has red hair doesn't incriminate her."

Ben sighed. He hadn't seen his brother all doey eyed before. "Yeah, yeah you're right. Just... be careful with the company you keep. All right?" Five nodded.


Five arrived at the Louvre to see Connie already there. "Mr. Man came after all," her smooth voice said.

He grinned then stood beside her in front of where a painting once hung. "Of course. "Mr. Man?""

"Your face said you despised the nickname "the Boy" so I gave you a new one." Her eyes became big. "You don't have to—"

"It's perfect." Five smizzed. "Tell me about yourself, flower."

""Flower?"" Connie let out a laugh. Five's favorite melody.

"Yeah. You have a nickname for me so it seems only right I give one to you." He shrugged.

"Fair. So, um, about me. I travel quite a bit. Army brat, but I actually live on my own now."

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