CHAPTER FOURTEEN: They Might Be Giants

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The lovers sat on the barstools in Griddy's with the buzzing of an overhead light to fill the silence.

"I don't remember this place being such a shithole," Five commented, breaking the air.

Fleur gave him a fleeting glance almost startled. "We've seen it worse." She shot him a short smile.

Five nodded. "I suppose so."

Fleur tapped her fingers against the table in thought. What are you even supposed to say after hearing that your fiancé isn't the twenty-two year old he was this morning, but a fifty-eight year old boy? "Do you remember when we used to come here as kids? Eat donuts 'til we puked... I miss it."

"Simpler times, huh?"

"Much." Fleur breathed out a quiet laugh, then she took a breath. "You said you're fifty-eight. H-how-how was your life? What'd you do?" She noticed his steel eyes that he hadn't had when she left and frowned. What happened to him?

Five sighed and played with her fingers. "After you left, I stayed in New York for three years then went back home. I actually hit a few of the museums along the way and took some stuff back that I thought you'd like or get a laugh out of. You would've liked it." The brush of a smile graced his face for a short moment. "I stayed in our home in hopes that maybe you'd pop up again and know where to find me. That lasted the duration of the thirty-six years. That is until the Commission recruited me."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Five brought her knuckles to his lips.

"Sorry for the wait. Sink was clogged. Can I get you kids a glass of milk or something?" an older waitress in pink asked.

"The kids will have coffee. Black," Five answered with a big sarcastic smile.

"Ookay." She pivoted to get them white mugs and turn on the coffee pot.

"The Commission?" Fleur asked over the low rumble of the machine.

"It's an organization overseeing and managing the space-time continuum. Their job is to make sure that all events that are supposed to happen, happen." She nodded. "I worked as a temporal assassin and we carried out the tasks given to us."

Fleur raised a brow with a smirk tugging at her lips. "An assassin, huh?" Five nodded then Agnes poured them their coffees. "Thank you."

Five shrugged. "Yep. A time and a name. That's all we needed. We kept the timeline in order. Do you remember that duplicate we found of you in London?"

Fleur shifted. "Yeah, yeah. Was she part of it? An assassin?"

The Boy shook his head. "I don't know. She had the required temp briefcase. I thought there was a chance that she was from the future. That the Commission had recruited you. But, I couldn't find her or you."

"Odd," Fleur said in thought. "So, when did you arrive at the Umbrella Academy?"

"Yesterday." She hummed.

"Favorite number." Fleur snickered.

"Exactly." Five tenderly grinned. Their moment was interrupted by the ding of the bell over the door. An older scruffy man walked through and sat down a seat over. He gave the two a nod then took off his hat.

"Do you happen to have a lead on how to stop this?" Fleur asked while nervously rubbing the handle of her cup.

Five pulled out a folded cloth and opened it to reveal a glass eyeball. "This is all I got. It was in Luther's hand when I first arrived in the apocalypse. Guess he must've taken it out of the head of the person that causes it. Just need to figure out who."

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