CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX: Commerce and Knox

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On April the first, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the nine survivors of the apocalypse were the ones that brought it on.


The blue portal opened and spit Connor out. "FISH!" she breathily screamed as she dangled out of it by her wrist. Haddock still held onto her arm with his iron grip.

"I'm not lettin' you go!" The portal began to slowly shut. He grit his teeth when he realized that he wasn't going to be able to pull her back up with the force of it. Haddock let go and tumbled into an alleyway with Connor in his hold, taking the brunt of it for her. "Are you okay?" He stroked her face.

Her eyes were wild at being shaken from death so suddenly. "Yeah. Yeah," she panted. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yeah, I'm good." He helped her to stand. "When are we?"

honk honk

They crept out of the alleyway and gasped. A light blue and white striped 1950s model car sped by. Across the road they spotted their apartment and grinned at each other.

"Consy... we're home." They grinned at each other. Connor took his hand and they walked the familiar street.

Haddock had been desperately wanting nothing more than to be home with his wife again and here they were. Maybe dreams aren't always so bad.



Klaus and Ben dropped from the afternoon sky. "That was... exhilarating." Ben watched as the portal closed above them, vanishing within itself. "Where's Five?"

"Five!" Klaus shouted while waving his arms. "Flower! Diego! Allison!" he called into the open air. "Where is everybody?"

Ben's face dropped. "Oh, they're gone."

"They're gone, like a fart in the wind. Poof." Klaus walked on with his exhausted demeanor. It's been a rough week for everybody. "Just me and you again. Great. So where the hell are we?" He studied the people passing by. "Are hats back?"

Ben made a circle to take in what he was seeing. "I think the question is, 'When are we'?"

Klaus ran over to a clean looking man, a stark contrast to himself. "Hey! Hey! Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Could you tell me what year it is? Or what day?" He looked at the rough looking Klaus and brushed past him in disgust. "Rude."

Ben pointed out a newspaper for he undead counterpart to pick up. "Klaus! Get over here."

Four picked up the paper. "Yeah? I mean, he's pretty my type. From the shoulders down."

"The date you idiot," Ben barked.

"Oh, yeah!"

February 11, 1960

They turned to each other. "Shit."



A flash of of a camera snapped from a window on the second floor of an apartment as Allison fell out of no where. She strode out of the nook to grasp what was happening and out of luck found a street sign.

Commerce and Knox

She scurried into a restaurant to figure out what in the world is going on. Everyone in the diner turned their attention toward her while a white man roughly pointed to a sign.

Whites Only



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