12 0 0

March 2001

Haddock woke up to see Connor on her tippy-toes rummaging through the kitchen cabinets to find some coffee. "I like the shirt." He smirked. She dropped back down to the balls of her feet.

"Hey, Fishy. About time you woke up," she teased. "And you threw mine away soo."

"Blood stained sweatshirts are so out of style." He chuckled. "How the hell did a guy with a stage name 'Skywalker' beat you up so bad?"

Connor rolled her eyes at the memory of last night's underground fight. "At least I won." She shrugged.

"Mine looks better on you anyway." Connor smizzed as she went back to looking for coffee grounds. Her eyes lit up when she finally found a coffee container, but when she popped the lid it was empty.

"Who keeps empty coffee containers? It's the worst kind of false hope," she muttered under her breath. "We're out of coffee."

"You're kidding. We just got a new thing of it this week. Do you brush your teeth with the stuff?"

She huffed. "I don't drink that much." Hadd scoffed a laugh.

"What time is it?" He stretched.

Connor glanced up at the clock. "11:45." Connor opened a few more cabinets then sighed and stopped her search.

"Well then let's go." They shared a grin then he snatched the keys. Her walk turned into a jog to beat him to the driver's seat. "I'm driving." She put her hands up for him to toss her the keys.

"Nada. You're too young to drive." He looked over her smaller body. She'd switched for the fight to be more compact and tougher, but she isn't able to switch back until her fresh cuts heal.

This is why she cannot morph into whomever she pleases including Luther's adult form. If she did that, she might as well be paper. She didn't know Haddock as a child so his 6' 5" form, and therefore his power, isn't as strong as his. Connor still didn't find it fair to fight in his form anyway.

"My consciousness is sixty-five!" she bellyached.

"Yeah well thanks to those future scars of yours, you, my love, are stuck as a fourteen year old shorty until you're healed up, and your refusal to rest isn't gonna help."

"We were literally both born as two of the forty-three." Connor crossed her arms.

"Well, I am a week older actually. Still got seniority." He sarcastically grinned then stepped into the driver's side, closing the door in her face.

Connor trudged around the car and plopped onto the leather passenger seat then roughly shut the door behind her. "I'm only letting you drive 'cause I dunno the way." She huffed.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you've gotta tell yourself, Consy." He then turned the wheel to pull out of the parking space.

Fifteen minutes later Haddock swerved into a parking space and quickly hopped out before Connor could even unclick her seatbelt. "Rude," she grumbled.

He theatrically huffed then stopped to wait. "Tick tock. 2000 won't last forever." Connor shoved him and he chuckled.

The two were headed into the store when Hadd stopped just outside the door and jimmied a cart out from the line. "Fish, I don't think we need a cart for a can of coffee." She grinned at his struggle of freeing the cart.

"Two words." He held up two fingers dramatically. "Cart. Race."

"I love you." Connor loudly laughed.

"Awwww. Consy loves me!" he exclaimed to the world.

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