CHAPTER SIXTY: Lobster Smoothie

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The Umbrellas all crammed into one of the rotating door slots; all except for Fleur who blinked into a room out of sight from the other guests. "Oh. Okay. Honestly? We don't all need to be squeezed..." Allison grunted.

Five freed himself from the others. "There were two entrances, by the way."

"Then why didn't you use it?" Fleur switched back into herself and walked over to the others as she snickered.

Five slipped his hand in his love's. "Why didn't you just use the door like us?" He tried to hide his faint smile.

"Oh you know, reasons." The blue eyed girl nodded her head in the direction of where Luther was stuck, holding the rest of them cramped in there.

"Oh, Hotel Obsidian. I missed you, you slutty old dame. Absorb her into your bossum." Klaus opened his arms, taking in the extravagant hotel, bathing in the sunlight flowing from the extravagant windows.

"Ew." Fleur laughed. "Hotel Obsidian actually did host a lotta famous people and such."

"Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, King Olaf of Norway, one of the Kim Jongs, Tito, Dalai Lama, Elvis, and not one but two Kardashians, allegedly."

"I dunno what happened to it but yeah, Klaus knows his stuff." Fleur lightly chuckled.

"Nowadays, she's just a flophouse, a party house for those of us not looking to be judged by society's rules and norms."

"You mean, a place to hide?" Luther questioned.

"Ten points to Hufflepuff." Eight pointed.

"It's perfect! And the best part of it is, she's gonna look after us, no questions asked. Never ever. Right?" Klaus said in a giddy tone.

"This place is weird." Vanya scrunched her nose.

"Come on." Klaus gestured his hand for them to follow him to the counter. He dinged the bell. "Chet! Mon frère! It's so great to see you. I'd like my usual suite, por favor."

"I've never seen you before," Chet said in a grouchy voice. The old man turned his nose up at the crew.

Klaus leaned towards us. "See? Told you. Discreet." Fleur grinned when she spotted a small pug sitting on the desk and then stuck her hand out to pet it.

"Please stop scaring my dog." He quirked an eyebrow when it let her pet it. "Odd."

"Such a cutie." She scratched behind it's ear.

"We need rooms, please," Vanya said.

He sighed, already bored with them. "And how will you be paying?"

The group looked at each other. None of them thought to have money on them. "Fine. Empty your pockets." Luther exhaled. They patted down their jackets and turned out their pockets but came up with nothing of value. Luther sighed and took off his watch. "What does this get us?"

The peppered haired man examined it then brought them back two keys. "Two rooms."

"Fantastic..." Fleur exhaled.

"Well, let's Brady Bunch this bitch." Allison sighed.

"Wait," the lifeless employee called. "Party of seven?"

Fleur nodded. "Yeah."

"Hargreeves?" She narrowed her eyes and nodded again. "Some money was sent for one, "Fleur," from two, "Connor and Haddock.""

"So does this mean I can have my watch back?" Luther asked. He brought back four more keys then walked away. "Guess not."

"Six rooms?" Vanya creased her brows. Five and Fleur turned to her each with an eyebrow raised. They'd been sleeping in the same bed since they were kids. Vanya sighed. "Right."

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