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Fleur lied on the hospital bed focusing on healing herself while Five got out the supplies to bandage them. I killed Ben. I killed Ben. I killed Ben. I killed Ben. His death was my fault. I'm still a cold hearted murderer. He'd be here now if it wasn't for me. I pulled the trigger. That was me. My fault. Fleur welcomed the sting of mending herself together. "So... If it really was me at the Commission then that's just me under different circumstances, correct?"

"I suppose but—" Fleur shifted herself invisible and made a move to run away but Five took her hand. "But you would never do that. Said it yourself."

I shot him. The gunshot rang through her head. I shot him. I shot Ben. Connor wasn't a copycat after all. That was me.

"We'll figure this out. All right? Now we know where she is or was." Five approached her with the wrap. "Here." With a heavy heart, Fleur turned visible again. He bussed her cheek then started unraveling the rough fabric to start wrapping her comatose body. "We're gonna save the world and work this out." His voice quaked. He was scared. Five won't admit it but he was scared that it was true, that his love killed his sibling. Five was afraid of her. And that hurt her most of all.

"Yeah. We will," she reassured herself making little noise. "I doubt we're gonna have that family wedding we were picturing though."

"We weren't exactly picturing ourselves as teenagers either though."

"True." Fleur noiselessly chuckled.

"All I need is you." Five planted his lips on her diamond ring.

"All I need is you," she repeated with a smile.

After they finished doctoring each other's wounds Five helped her sit up. "You're sure you don't need stitches?"

"Positive. A day or two and I'll be right as rain." They could see her skin slowly mending itself back together. Tiny pinpricks as each bit connected.

Five sighed and nodded. "Okay. Let's not use the front door this time."

"Probably a good idea." She halfheartedly smiled.

"Fire escape? It'd involve less talking."

"Perfect," Fleur answered. Five helped her up then they crept upstairs to Five's room. The couple climbed down the rickety ladder to see Klaus digging through the garbage.

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me... I don't care."

"Well I'll bite. What're you doing Klaus?" Fleur asked as she stepped down off the ladder.

"I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!" he exclaimed in an irritated outburst.

"You put a price on it. Didn't you?"

"No. Maybe. Possibly. Yes." She closed her eyes in mild annoyance and sympathy. "You know there are easier ways out of the house, buds?"

"Five said this one would involve less talking." Eight quirked an eyebrow.

"Well I thought it would," he grumbled.

"Need anymore company today? I could, uh... clear my schedule." He took a drink from his flask.

"I think you've got enough on your plate," Fleur pointed out.

"Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just—" He drunkenly fell. "I just misplaced something. That's all."

"Well, best of luck to you." She gave him a thumbs up.

He dove back into the trash. "Found it! Thank God!" He took a bite of a bad donut. "Delicious." She scrunched her face in disgust while Five rolled his eyes.

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