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Fleur sat beside Five's unconscious body and slowly smoothed his hair out of his face as Grace bandaged him up. She stared just watching the up and down of his chest, a firm reminder that he was still alive. Damn him.

"Anything?" Diego asked Allison. Both of them stood in the doorway, keeping their distance from the bomb liable to go off any second and the only one able to take that percussion attempting to soothe her.

"There's no answer at Vanya's place," Allison answered. "And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today." Fleur propped her head up with her folded arms on his bed. She wished she could bring herself to care but right now the only thing that was worth a thought was Five.

"We're not going to have to sedate you too, are we?" Grace asked in a teasing tone but it was far from it. If she didn't take care of herself then that is exactly what she was looking at. Fleur just took a fleeting glance at Grace and fixed her eyes back on Five. She was afraid that if she looked away she'd miss him wake up.

Fleur analyzed how his features had finally softened from the bitter look he had acquired through his forty-five years of trauma away from here. He looked like the boy she once knew before all of this chaos. The one she fell in love with by mistake as a child. The boy who saved her.

She breathed out a shallow breath. Fleur couldn't even bring herself to sigh. We don't have the time... She didn't want to think about that though. Not now. She couldn't leave him. World be damned.

Hadd looked at the love they shared and he covered up a sniffle. That was his love mourning hers. Only a few months ago Connor and him wouldn't have even known the kid in the hospital bed. They'd be together at the Commission, laughing at something Fish said, only focused on the next mission with no worry about the future, eternity ahead.

For now he has to settle for rubbing her back, comforting her through a tough time. As much as he wished that Five would've just bled out, he has to live. She has to fall in love with him fair and square or else she'll always love a dead man.

"Hey, you okay?" Allison asked Diego. They'd directed their conversation toward each other knowing that Fleur wasn't going to answer.

"Yeah," Diego responded. A stupid question really. Who can possibly be okay right now? But what else do you say? 'No my world is collapsing literally and metaphorically?'

"I don't know it's just surreal seeing her, Mom." She had been turned off during the ambush at the Academy. They all believed that either Hazel or Cha-Cha was to blame.

"I just wanna tell her that I'm s..." Diego cut his sentence short because in reality, he had been the one to do it. The momma's boy. The others loved her but he by far was the one that loved Grace the most. Fleur was his only competition but she left at a young age. Diego had saw Grace sewing her own hand while embroidering during the fight at the Academy. It broke him to turn her off, but if she really had been the one to kill their dad... it had to be done. "We don't have enough time. We gotta go."

"I don't know, Diego. Five is laying there, unconscious, and if Eight is anything like Five then there is no way she's leaving his side. We need them." Allison jabbed her thumb to Five laying on the bed in his peaceful sleep and Fleur with her burning red eyes. "Hadd—?"

"No," Haddock answered before Allison could ask. He didn't even bother casting them a glance. He betrayed everything he knew for his love. He wasn't leaving her side.

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