CHAPTER FOUR: Hello Connie

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The Umbrella Academy heard news of Connie burglarizing her fourth museum in Paris so far. They jumped up from their beds and bolted.

They burst through the excessively large wooden doors in their domino masks to see the thief sliding down the staircase railing. Her feet touched ground and she noticed the band. Connie smiled and dipped her head to Five. "Good to see you," she said openly but her eyes never leaving her love.

"Connie." Five nodded his head back and tried to suppress his grin at their little game.

"So what brings you here today?" She sat down on the steps in a relaxed position.

They all rolled their eyes. Ben pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know damn well why we're here, Fleur." Five scowled.

"Aw, flower, that's so sweet. Odd comeback but hey, who am I to judge, teddybear." Five snickered and she winked at him.

Ben huffed. "Okay, let's get this over with shall we?"

Connie hummed in agreement. "We shall." Number Six turned into the Horror at the ready and Connie glanced at Five and jerked her head slightly, signaling him to move. He did and before the rest of the family could take another step she lazily turned into Allison. "I heard a rumor thaaat you left the museum and didn't come back. I heard a rumor that you won't wake from your trance until you get to your hotel rooms aaand walk slowly." Their eyes glowed and they did just that. "As for the cute one, I wouldn't mind a few more minutes with you, what do you think?"

"Sounds perfect. Hey, speaking of rumors, did you ever rumor me like them to get away in the past? Like that one time they said you must've rumored me to forget ever seeing you."

"You the most out of any of 'em." She chuckled. "You were always the one to find me. I seriously considered rumoring you to stop looking for me forever but where's the fun in that? Plus I kinda enjoyed our little repartees."

"Will you unrumor me? Make me remember?" Five sat down hip to hip with her on the marble stairs.

"If you take this thing off." Connie took off his mask. "I like seeing your eyes." They smiled. "Oh, the rumor, right. I heard a rumor that you remember everything I've told you to forget as Connie."

His eyes glowed white and then his mouth gaped like a fish with his newfound knowledge. He leaned forward. "I found you that many times!" Connie nodded and giggled.

"You've found me prolly as many times as your siblings have times two. It's insane."

He ran his hands through his hair. "Seriously? That's, that's... really irritating actually."

"I dunno, I think it's really hot. Call me a sapiophile. You found me for good now this time at least."

"True. Still aggravating. What was that eight times?"

"Seven actually. Don't flatter yourself." The two chuckled. "Also after three I kinda gave up putting much effort into hiding. I would escape anyway. Always do."

"Mmm, I dunno about that." Five snugly locked his arms around her. "Hey, I've got an idea." Five blinked them outside the hotel, then again into his room.

She shoved him. "Five! You know I hate when you do that."

"I know." He kissed her cheek then tossed her onto the bed. He crawled onto the bed beside her then put his arms back around her and snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"Five what—?"

"You're trapped. You can't steal if you can't escape."

Connie huffed then sighed in defeat and melted into his hold. "I think I like this trap."

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