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The car ride back to Elliot's place was awkward to say the least...

First, there was the packing six people into five seats, the two teenage bodies naturally claiming the front seats leaving the four adults to figure out how to fit.

Second, there was the tension that suffocated everyone in the car. The murderess was back and worse than ever. She got dangerous, more dangerous, when Fleur had started her killing sprees to only take her mind off of things. Diego and Lila constantly had an eye on her. Five was rubbing her hand with his thumb in slow motions as if he was calming a wild rabbit that was on the verge of jumping away. When Fleur glanced back at them, even Connor gave her a sympathetic smile at the uncomfortable elephant in the room, squashing them all.

Third, when Connor wasn't throwing her younger self a pity party, she was snogging Haddock. He had all the willingly taken it upon himself to set her in his lap to make room in the backseat so they all were just trying their best to avoid looking in that direction of the car.

Fourth, why the hecketh was Lila there?

And fifth... Five knew something they didn't, and he was having to bear the weight of the world all himself at the moment. He'd tried gathering his family neatly but Hargreeves are froward. It was a miracle to get two of them in one room and working towards the same cause.

Diego took a breath in preparation to say something and Fleur exhaled her own in annoyance at already knowing what he was going to say. "Did you really have to kill them?" They all groaned.

Fleur took a dull knife from her jacket for show and held it in his sight. "No. I didn't. I killed them because I felt like it. Anymore questions?" Her still crazed eyes sent a shiver of fear down his skin. It was like seeing the poster of a horror film you just watched; it scared the heck out of you the first time you watched it and the poster was a reminder that it can scare you just as bad the next time despite you knowing now what's coming.

"Well this is fun," Lila said, breaking the long silence and the all looked at her with scowls. "Jeesh, tough crowd."

When Five put the car in park and headed into an apartment building, no one questioned it and followed.

Elliot appeared from the other room with a rifle aimed at the six of them. "Where did you get the film? The Frankel Footage. The truth this time."

Diego leaned to Five. "You know this lunatic?"

Five sighed. "New acquaintance. He's harmless."

"Are you sure about that?" Lila skepticised.

"Aw, Mr. Man got a new friend," Fleur cooed and Five glowered. She snickered.

"Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?" Elliot frantically quizzed.

There was a silence. "Such an open-ended question, yeah," Five told the frazzled man.

"Really depends on the people." Diego touched his fingertips together.

Fleur raised her hand. "Yup."

"You move one more muscle, I will blow your brains out." The six tried to hold back their smiles at his threat.

"You want to take this or should I?" Lila spoke to Two in a low voice.

"No, I got him," Five told them.

"Hey, Lila..." Diego distracted her while Five went to blink over to take the gun, but Haddock got to him sooner. He placed his hand over the opening of the barrel. The shot went off with a loud bang, muffled by his impenetrable skin, making them all flinch, all except for Hadd who bent the barrel like it was boiled spaghetti.

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