CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Her Name Was Delores

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It was dawn when Five took the driver's seat to take them to the address. The entire drive was silent after that moment in the apartment. Fleur fixed her sight out the window to see the towering building come into view in the morning light. "We're here," Five announced.

She didn't hesitate to open the door as soon as the van lurched when he put it in park. "Let's get this over with." He looked down at the glass eye in his pocket then got out too.

The two walked toward the front desk. "We need to know who this belongs to," Five said to a man wearing a lab coat.

"Where did you get that?"

"What do you care?" Five snapped. Fleur lightly kicked his ankle and gave him a glare. He stared right back. "I...I found it at a playground actually." He sarcastically smiled at her. "Must've just ...popped out." He clicked his tongue and turned his fake smile to the lab worker.

"We wanna return it to its rightful owner," Fleur added.

"Oh... what thoughtful young people." The receptionist awed.

"Adorable," Eight commented in a blank tone.

"Yeah. Look up the name, will ya?"

"Uh, I'm sorry. But patient records are strictly confidential," the man in the lab coat butted in. "That means I can't tell you–"

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Yes, we know what it means."

"But I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye and I can return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just–" He reached for the eye.

"Yeah, you're not touching this eye," Five snarled.

"Now, you listen here, young man–"

"No! You listen to me asshole." Five took charge and grabbed the man by the collar. Fleur sighed as she watched this unfold. He's always had a temper and now he's a trained assassin. This could go really well for them or really poorly. Most likely the latter. "I've come a long way for this, through some shit that your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give us the information we need, and we'll be on our merry way. And if you call me "young man" one more time, I'm going to put your head through that damn wall."

"Call security," the man wheezed out. The receptionist quickly dialed the number.

Fleur put her hands up. "No need. We're leaving." She tugged on Five's blazer. He glared at the man with his merciless eyes one last time then roughly let go of his collar. "Well that went well. Got any other ideas?"

"One." He sighed. Fleur got into the driver's seat this time. "How would you feel about being my... parent?" he grumbled.

Fleur laughed. "Aww! I'd love to. I gotta go get a change of clothes first though. Think there's a chance we could slip by the posse without being noticed?"

"Worth a shot."


The two made their way up to Number Eight's old room to find it as it was. "They didn't take down my things?" She grazed her fingers over her bedsheets then her eyes fell on her plants. "My plants... aren't dead. Why aren't they dead?"

"Did you buy fake plants?" Five snickered but Fleur shook her head.

She felt the pot. "The soil is damp."

"Mom must've been watering them."

"Must've." Her thoughts were disrupted when Klaus walked past the doorway. He backed up when he saw them and stood in it.

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