CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR: The End of Something

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Haddock frantically stroked Fleur's hair out of her face in an agitated manner. Connor he rocked to his chest in a soothing motion, his lips constantly finding their way back to her forehead. "Come on, Fleur. Wake up."

Diego crouch down beside them. "What happened to them?"

He pointed to Fleur and then to Connor. "Lila and, uh, me."

"Figured." Allison scoffed with a new quickly bruising mark on her face from the heel of Lila's boot.

"Whoa-ho, how'd you manage that?" Diego sat forward as if Haddock was only showing off his catch for the day.

"Um, not really sure. Just kinda poured a bunch of toxic chemicals in a rag." He gave him s hard stare when he realized what he'd just told him. "You ever try this on her 'n I'll beat you 'til you're dead as a doornail." Diego put his hands up in surrender.

"Wait, Allison, could you rumor Fleur? Wake her up?" Luther suggested then he dropped his arm from around Allison.

She shifted a little. "I don't know. I guess I could try."

"Good, yeah, do that." Luther pointed at her.

Haddock held his breath and reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, alright. Go ahead."

Three leaned down next to Fleur in her peaceful sleep. "I heard a rumor that you woke up." Suddenly she sharply gasped and jolted up, accidentally knocking her on the nose with her head. "Hey! Ow."

Fleur rapidly looked around her, too quickly to actually process anything she was seeing. It was like she had just drank six pots of coffee, like she'd never sleep yet felt exhausted. Fleur stumbled as she tried to stand up then immediately fell back down like a newborn colt using it's legs for the first time.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're okay." Haddock brushed her hair out of her wild, glazed eyes. "You've really gotta quit scaring me like that."

Fleur hyperventilated as she tried to take account of everything that had just happened. "W-W-Where's, where's Five? He-he-"

"He's buying us some time. We had to get you outta there. Lila... she-she, um..."

"She wants to kill me. Kill us," Fleur finished as she tried to gather her bearings. Hadd nodded and Fleur exhaled. "Heck of a day, huh?"

He leaned the side of his head against the side of her aching skull. "That it is."

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted two flashes of blue light come from the barn and hastily stood up followed by Haddock. "There. We need to help him."

"Fleur, you're stayin' right here. You're done." She laughed and turned into Five. Her laughter turned into a horrid screech as she was reminded of the cut that had now spread across her abdomen. Fleur stumbled back a little, but soon regained her composure. "Fleur, there's a reason I said stay put." He held her back to him for support, but all she wanted was for Five to be the one holding her.

"Like I'd listen." Fleur tried to scoff a laugh through her burning throat. "Well, I'm... already Five now so I'll be back in a jiff... maybe," she managed to say through labored, heavy breaths.

Klaus saw Fleur's shaking hands as she twitched from all of the pain shown across her body in the bleeding gash. "Why don't you turn into me first? You know, die real quick, heal up."

"It'd take too long. We don't have half an hour. Heck, seconds are stretching pretty thin," she retaliated. "Right now Five is in there by himself with her. I'll die when I die."

Connor's lips parted in a minute gasp and her cheeks flushed with some color again. "Shit shit shit. Honey, I love you." Haddock put the cloth back over her mouth with bared teeth. Her head lobbed to the side in death unable to fight back. All he wanted to do was talk to his wife about all of this madness, but he wasn't sure how she'd react with all of this. He couldn't risk it.

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