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Fleur jerked her hand away from Hadd's grip. "What the hecketh?! You weren't supposed to follow me."

"Connor, I can't lose you again. What don't you understand about that?" he fired back.

Fleur threw her hands up then back down in a rough swipe. "Fish! I'm not her."

He tapped his foot rather than comment back. He wanted to scream 'Yes you are!' but that wouldn't get them anywhere. "When are we?" He couldn't keep the gruff from his voice.

"No idea," she exhaled and looked around.

Haddock's eyes shot to her. "What do you mean you have no idea?"

Fleur followed with the same eagle eyed stare. "I mean that I just jumped. No specific time. I wanted space. You weren't supposed to follow."

"How else was I supposed to convince you to come back?" He shook his head then started looking at the passing people. Girls in dresses and hats covering most of their short hair with pearl necklaces and guys in neat suits with caps as well. "Are we—?"

"1920s?" Fleur spotted a bookstore and walked inside.

"Connor, now's not the time to be shopping for books. We need to get back or at least talk."

"We are talking, see?" Haddock rolled his ocean blue eyes but they still glinted with a smile at hearing his love's sarcasm. Fleur picked up a book that said "New Release" on the front. She opened the cover and read, "Published April 1925."

"So we're in the April-May of '25 then?" Fleur shrugged.

She held up the blue covered book. "Gatsby," they both said with chuckles.

"We're really in the 1920s?" Her smile brightened.

"Connor used to love this decade." He laughed at her giddy expression.

"Oh right. Guess you've been here before." Fleur put down the book and picked up another classic.

Hadd shrugged and kicked the ground with his thumbs in his pockets. "A time or two. Not here specifically."

"Do you have a favorite decade?" She looked up from examining every book on the shelf. The pages of books that were once yellowed with time were fresh and white again.

"1956 is where we lived. Had an apartment there. A good life."

"How long were you together? If you don't mind me asking."

Hadd smiled. "Six years. Couldn't get her to look my way the first two years she was there. Then we were friends for the next bit. One day we 'got stuck' as partners on a mission in 1963. Like I hadn't asked to be hers or anything." He looked away with a sly smirk.

"Right, right. So, you were on a mission together and realized you loved each other."

"She did. I knew the day she stepped foot into the Commission." His grin softened at Fleur. "But, yeah. I kissed her, she smacked me for kissing her, then she kissed me again."

Fleur giggled. "Aw."

"Married her three months later 'cause I'd already made up my mind." Fleur looked down and smiled. "What about you 'n skip?"

"I was eleven when the big bad Umbrella Academy caught whiff of Connie going to Paris. There I bumped into Five and," Fleur sighed, "I dunno. I fell in love. I said my name was Fleur and I asked him out."

"Wait. The Academy—"

"Was still after me, yes. It was a process to say the least. Long story short, I rumored them, became Number Eight for a bit, unrumored them, they hate me, Five time travelled to try to fix it, I followed him, and we got stuck in the apocalypse aftermath together. He proposed the day I turned eighteen... And now I don't think we're even engaged." He hummed.

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