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Five left Fleur with Connor and was regretting it by the second. "Do you think Fleur's alright?" he openly asked Luther. He looked back to see Connor still in Fleur's chokehold. Five's teeth chattered together in anticipation.

One scoffed. "She's a Connor. She'll be fine."

Five glanced back again and they were gone. His foot tapped in worry. Five shook his head. "No, I'm gonna check on her."

Luther grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. He pointed his attention to the old man getting his rifle ready. "We have other priorities right now. If anything the other girl should be afraid."

Five sighed and nodded. "Okay." He twiddled with his fingers in his pockets.

Luther's attention was caught when old Five let one rip. "Flatulence. Stage four," he pointed out with wide eyes.

"See? What's your plan now, bucko?" he seethed. Five farted and he crinkled his nose at him. He clasped his hands together. "That was just lunch, alright? Shut up."

They made their way closer to old Five stationed by a white picket fence.

"...The Dallas-Fort Worth area broadcast, here to bring you a special description of the arrival of President John F. Kennedy," his radio played.

"This is my favorite part. The calm before the storm." The two watched as the old man cleaned the sight on his gun for the finishing touches.

"Look. The briefcase," their Five spotted through heavy breaths and crazed profile.

"You'll never make it over there in time," Luther warned and extended a thick arm.

"Of course I will. This is our only chance." He rocked back and forth on the tips of his feet at the ready. "Go get Fleur. I'm gonna grab the briefcase and we'll go."

Luther supervised Five with skepticism. The itch under Five's skin and the throbbing in his head was egging him on. Luther fiddled his fingers. "Hey, uh, just remind me... what was the final stage of paradox psychosis again?"

"Homicidal rage," Five replied in a growl.

"Right. That's great." Luther smiled in panic at what was inevitably to come. Five blinked to snatch the briefcase by the old man's foot but he'd seen it coming and blipped away. "Oh... shit." Luther stood at a loss of what to do.

"Bad idea, shit hold," the young old man told the old boy as he held his gun to him. Five looked death in the face without an ounce of fear.

Number One ripped the gun from his hands. "Stop it! Alright? The both of you. Pull it together. Now, Kennedy is gonna be coming around that corner any minute. Okay? So, everyone, let's just take a deep breath... Now we're all family here, okay? So can we all just try to get along for a few more minutes?"

"You want it?" young Five asked the old.

"Go ahead." Thirteen year old Five blipped and kicked Spaceboy in the groin.

"Now, where were we?" their Five asked. The next second, the duo were fighting, blinking throughout the air and exchanging blows.

"Getting tired yet?" the elder looking Number asked.

"I can do this all day," Five spat back as they both panted.

"Guys this has to stop," Luther demanded.

"Eat shit, Ape Man," they both retorted then resumed their fight in flashes of blue light.

Luther fired the gun, drawing their attention back to him. Fleur finally woke up from her deathbed and stepped around the bush. She squinted to see Luther picking up the large gun that looked rather small compared to his frame.

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