CHAPTER SEVEN: Heck of a First Day

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On the plane ride back they were all asleep except for the two lovebirds. "Have I told you that you are the smartest person I've ever met? Aside from myself of course." Five stroked her hair.

She quietly scoffed a laugh. "Okay hot shot."

He leaned closer. "Oh, also that I'm a bit of a sapiophile too so all this was really hot," the Boy whispered into her hair and winked.

Fleur lightly chuckled to not wake the others. "Whatever you say, Mr. Man." She buried herself into his chest and they drifted to sleep.


"I heard a rumor... that you stabbed yourself in the heart," when the words left Allison's lips Five lifted the knife to his chest.

He won't do it. His family won't let that happen. That's-that's crazy. I ran for him keeping my cover but every step felt like a mile. I was too late. A flood of red gushed from Five's chest and the once silver knife clattered to the ground. It was deafening. I broke free from my frozen spot and sprinted. "FIVE! NO! What did I do?! Five!" It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault! Five died because of me.

I cradled his head and brushed back his hair. "Five stay with me!" My eyes clouded and I couldn't see his face clearly anymore, only the blur of a red flower blooming around him.

Five's beautiful emerald eyes flicked to me and he smiled. "I love you," he whispered out before those eyes turned cold and his touch was no longer his touch.

"Five? This can't be happening." I cried until I felt like puking. "You can't die. I love you. You can't... You can't die. Five?.. Mr. Man?"


Fleur jumped awake. Her ice eyes darted down to Five's peaceful state. She could feel him breathing. His skin still held it's warmth. No wounds. She let out a shaky breath and wiped at her tears. Only a nightmare. He's fine. I saved him. I undid my wrongs. Five's gonna be all right.

She got up and sat in the pilot's chair again to steady her breathing. She remembered how last time it made her feel so in control of her life. Like nothing could touch her... Well it wasn't working.

Five stirred awake and noticed her gone then got up too in search of her. He opened the door and found Fleur in the pilot's chair with red eyes looking out over the clouds. "Fleur? What're you doing?" He squinted his eyes from the bright light emitting from outside and stepped over to her.

She jerked her head around to see Five but her heartbeat didn't steady. All she could think about was that split second of pure joy at seeing him again and then going straight through him. What if this is all in my head? What if he's dead and I'm dead too. What if I'm just going crazy. I killed him. I stabbed him in the heart. Her heart rate only quickened.

Five noticed her tear stained face and startled expression and creased his eyebrows in question. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He rubbed her shoulder.

She closed her eyes and sighed. I can feel him. I saved him. I fixed my wrongs. Five's alive... "Just, just a nightmare. I just needed a minute." She gave him a pitiful halfhearted smile and he frowned.

"I know the whole going back to America and becoming Number Eight is a lot—"

"It's not that. I'm thrilled I'll get to be with you... A family. A home. I-I-I just..." She took a breath. "Just a nightmare."

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