CHAPTER SIXTY-NINE: The Mortifying Unknown

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"Guess what?" Fleur grinned as she played with the hem of Five's shirt.

He held her close with a matching smile, their noses brushing every time they spoke. "What?"

Fleur planted a kiss on his lips. "We're getting married today."

Five snuggled into her neck. "Yes. We. Are."

"I don't feel like doing the whole not seeing each other before the wedding though."

"Yeah, our luck is shit anyway." They chuckled. "Do you have a dress?" Five asked through his own kisses while petting her ginger hair and her Five's.

"Sloane said she would help me sew one today."

"Ah." He brushed her hair behind her ear and stroked her cheekbone with the side of his thumb.

"What about your bachelor party?" She lifted a brow.

Five scrunched his nose. "I don't know. Maybe. I think I've had enough excitement from yesterday. What about you?"

Fleur scoffed a laugh. "Who would I invite? There's Sloane, yeah. Connor I can't be around, and I'm not really sure where I stand with Lila or Allison for that matter."

"Still. Could be fun." He shrugged.

Fleur sighed. "Yeah, I might." She pressed her pink lips to him again then got up off the bed and slipped on a robe.

"Where are you going?" He got up with narrowed eyes and put on his own robe.

"Well, I was thinking we could have some Bordeaux in celebration."

"I guess room service has been blitzed haven't they." Five sighed then pulled on his suit pants while Fleur put on a black shirt and blue jeans. He may dress spiffy, but it still wasn't her style. Five slid on his button up over his arms and Fleur went over to button him up. "You know, we could just forget about the wine. Stay here," he lowly told her.

She bussed him. "Come on. We'll be back lickety-split." She left for the door until Five cleared his throat. Fleur looked back to see him holding his tie. She rolled her eyes with a sliver of a smile. "How could I forget?" Fleur looped the tie as Five played with his future wedding ring still on the dainty chain necklace around her neck. In a few seconds his tie was fixed. "Now are you ready?"

"Sure you don't wanna stay in bed?" Fleur laced her fingers with his and they made their way to the wine cellar.

They grabbed a bottle then on their way back, a window caught their eyes where looking outside they could see the beautiful clouded death awaiting them.

"Wow," she exhaled. Instead of making a beeline back to their room, Fleur lead them outside the hotel to the bewildering view above them. The streets had been eaten away at and was almost upon the steps. The two sat at the edge of the world with their feet dangling. "This is a heck of a way to go." She popped the lid and took a drink then handed it to Five.

"That it is." He tipped up the bottle up, keeping his eyes glued to the marveling hunks of the ground rising around them and accumulating into the miniature sun. The sky, if you could even call it that, was filled with orange cotton candy majesty. Footsteps broke their peaceful quiet. Five looked behind them and sighed. "Reginald."

"I take it you know why I'm here."

"How 'bout I save you some time? Give you the "no" upfront. We're not the least bit interested in this bullshit plan you've been cooking," Five stated for the both of them.

"It's not, as you so colorfully called it, bullshit," Reginald scowled. Fleur scoffed. "Mind if I join you?"

"Yes, actually," Fleur frankly told him then huffed and rolled her eyes when he sat down anyway.

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