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When they arrived at the Umbrella Academy Five steered them to the infirmary. "No, I'm good. You've still got medical stuff in your room, right?"

"I assume but yours is a little more than a scratch."

"I heal quick. Let's go." Fleur left his side and started walking to his bedroom.

Diego blocked them at the top of the stairs. His glare turned colder at the sight of the blood on Fleur. "And who was it this time, huh? An orphanage? Maybe a puppy shelter?"

They rolled their eyes. "That was Connor. My name is Fleur now if you didn't get the memo."

"Yeah, like a name change can cover that up." Two scoffed.

Five scoffed right back. "The past is in the past. Get that through your thick skull."

"I don't know what kind of mind control you've got my brother under but—" Five teleported them past him and they continued.

"You were right about going to Vanya's last night." Fleur rolled her eyes. The girl stopped in front of her bedroom door. "Just a second. You go ahead." Five nodded and they parted ways. Fleur walked into his room a couple minutes later with a fresh sweatshirt and a towel and saw that Five had shrugged off his blazer and sweater then unbuttoned his white dress shirt revealing where a bullet had grazed his shoulder. "You were shot and you didn't tell me?" Fleur seethed with poison in her tongue.

"It's just a scrape."

Fleur took down the medical box and swiftly retrieved a needle and string. She threaded the sewing needle and went to stitch up his arm but he stopped her. "You have to sew that up, Five."

"You first." He gestured to her now blood soaked sweatshirt that she was using to put pressure on her side.

"No, you. All I need is some time to get the bullet out. Maybe the splintered bone too but I'll cross that bridge when I get there."

Five held an unrelenting cast. Fleur huffed and slowly untied the sweatshirt from her rib cage. It started sprouting blood again as it ran down her limb so she hastily pressed it back onto the wound.

"Sorry. I got a towel over there."

"Don't be sorry." Five reached over and grabbed it then took away the blood caked sweatshirt, replacing it with the towel. "Here. Lay down."

"But I'll get blood on your bed."

"I don't care. Lay down," Five said again and she reluctantly did. Next he grabbed the tweezers. "I've got this too." Fleur took off the cloth again which was already sticking to her skin and he heedlessly got to work. She studied how Five bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he cautiously plucked out the bullet and little pieces of bone from her rib that had splintered off.

"It's really not that bad. Your cut—"

"—Can wait. Fleur, I don't care if all you have is a splinter and I'm bleeding out. I love you."

""Love," as in present?"

Five let out a laugh and kissed her forehead. "Always." She nodded and looked back at his arm. Another drop of blood and she was calling hers good enough. "Do you, um. Do you love me back?" Five couldn't hold her eye contact as he busied himself with steadfastly fixing her wound up.

She smiled and turned his chiseled face to look her in the eye. "I love you too, Mr. Man. Always will." His eyes flickered to her smile in a silent question then he leaned in for a kiss.

Five took a deep breath. "Um, Fleur?" She hummed. He reached in his jacket pocket. "I know it's ill timed but..." Five got down from off the side of the bed onto one knee. "Connor Smith. Will you marry me?"

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