CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO: Achieving Disaster

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"So, um, Five. I got you something." Fleur grinned as she handed him a box.

"Oh?" Five set it on the bed then opened it. He pulled out a crisp black suit and beamed a smile.

Fleur shrugged. "I know how much you were wanting to wear a suit again and there's this tailor downstairs and... I think it'll look spiffy on you."

He pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. "Thank you. It was a very kind gift." She smiled brighter into another kiss. "I actually got something for you too." He reached in his pocket and pulled out necklace with two silver ring bands, one thick and one thin, on the dainty chain.

She warmly grinned as she traced her finger along them both. "Are these—?"

He studied the rings. "Our wedding bands. When we marry, I'll have that back. I wanted something to show you that everything is chaos now, but I'll be damned if I don't put that ring on your finger." Five smirked then brushed back her fluffy hair and hooked it around her neck. "Every time we've been apart, you've always come back to me." He fixed her hair back and ran his thumb around the metal. "You're my world, and my love for you is never ending." He took her hands in his and went still, enthralled by her eyes. "I love you, Fleur."

"I love you too, Mr. Man. Don't take too long." She delightfully chuckled and he smiled back into a deeper kiss.

Lila opened the door. "Okay heartthrobs, ready to go?"

Fleur glanced at Five with a sigh then pecked his lips one last time.

The three took the cases to the electrical room. "Nice suit," Lila told Five.

"Thanks. It was a gift." He smiled back a his love.

"Still, I will miss those pasty knees." Lila clucked her tongue.

"Yeah, well, we could all stand to be showing a little less skin these days," Five riposte to Lila. Fleur sniggered. Lila rolled her eyes.

"For you." Lila handed Five a set of jumper cables."Ready to hot-wire this briefcase?"

Five jumped up and down and shook his hands, getting his adrenaline pumping. "Yeah."

Fleur furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not so confident about this... Five, are you sure? I can do it. No biggie."

"I can do this. No sweat." He nodded, but Fleur was still far from convinced.

She quirked a brow. "Alright. If you say so." Fleur pecked him on the cheek.

He was preoccupied smiling back at her when Lila flipped the switch early. A current of crackling energy coursed through him as his blue power enveloped his hands like a humanized battery pack. "Ah! Shit! Lila!" he cursed. Lila cackled. The lights flickered then suddenly the case caught fire. He chucked the cables from his hands and Fleur grabbed a rag then swatted it at the fire.

Lila continued snickering. "Yeah, I was ninety-nine percent sure that wouldn't work."

"Well, I'm glad my pain amuses you," Five growled.

"You have no idea. It's like my therapy." Lila laughed.

Fleur held Five's sore hands. "Yeah, next time you're sittin' out."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm fine." She lobbed her head. "Really." Five shut the door to the smoky room behind him. "Well, now we are down to one half-dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurate up to a couple minutes. So, essentially, we're screwed."

"Couple minutes is a better than a couple seconds at least." Fleur shrugged her shoulders.

"I suppose. Still screwed, but yeah." He shrugged too.

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