CHAPTER TWELVE: I'm Feeling '22

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Five arrived in a world of rubble and fire. Where the hell am I? "Fleur!" He looked around. Bodies. There were dead bodies littering the ground. "FLEUR!" He ran back. A blue glow. Sputter. Nothing. "ANYONE!" Five stopped when he saw his home on fire. The fortress he once thought indestructible crumbled into bits. His eyes flickered to a newspaper lying beneath the rubble. He read the date.

April 1, 2019

"2000-19? 2019? I gotta-I gotta—" He gripped his fists tightly together. They emitted a weak blue glow and then it was gone. Five looked back to his obliterated home and dropped to his knees. How did everything go so wrong so fast? Fleur, I was supposed to save you...


Fleur dropped from the blue portal into a broken world covered in cold icing. She brush the snow from her jacket then remembered her thumb and hissed at the pain. Where am I? Eight turned around in a circle to take in her surroundings. She looked up and gasped. Not even the moon was there to comfort her.

She tried using his power. A blue glow and then nothing. Try again. She clenched her fists until she thought that her nails would surely break the skin. An even weaker blue glow. She screamed out into the empty world in frustration.

"Five! FIVE!" she shouted. "Mr. Man!" He has to be here. He just has to. Then out of pure luck, a rickety car door opened and out jumped a scruffy man in bulky layers of clothing.

"Fl-Fleur?" he suspiciously asked as he walked forward.

She squinted her eyes. "Five?" She took off jogging then quickly picking up pace when she saw his unmistakable green eyes.

"Fleur! Oh my God! It's you!" He sprinted.

"Five!" They collided in a tight hug.

"Oh thank God!" He laughed with an unimaginable joy that he couldn't cook up in his wildest daydreams. His Fleur was back. "Fleur! You're actually here!" Five picked her up then examined her over taking in every detail. She looked the same as when he left. He however, did not.

"Five? You look different. How-How long have you been stuck here?" She put a pale hand to his cheek. He leaned into her touch. Oh how he'd missed the feel of his skin on her's.

"Three long years," he answered then kissed the back of her hand.

She grinned. "You're sixteen?" He nodded and exhaled a laugh. Fleur chucked and rubbed his jaw with her thumb. "Is that scruffle?" Five shrugged with a smile then went to kiss her but she put a hand up. "Hang on." Fleur sloppily hopped down from his arms and his forehead creased in question. Fleur giggled then morphed into what she pictured as her sixteen year old form. "Ta-da! What do you think?" She lifted a brow.

His grin spread as he picked her back up. "Just as perfect as you were before." She giggled then Five brought her into a zealous kiss, growing with intensity by the second. "I've missed you. So so so much. I love you, Fleur. More than anything. I didn't tell you enough."

She giggled. "I love you too, Mr. Man."

"You're all I've been thinking about, Fleur. Hell, I felt like your name was the only word I knew." Five laughed. "This apocalypse, being without you, has been driving me crazy. I love you so much." He leaned away from her with a dippy grin. "You are real right? At this point I wouldn't be surprised a bit if this all was just my mind playing tricks on me."

Fleur kissed him. "That feel real?"

"I don't know. Kiss me again to make sure." Fleur rolled her eyes then tugged him by the collar into an intense kiss then she remembered why he left in the first place. Fleur shoved him away then slapped him. His mouth parted in confusion. "What was that for?"

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