Her dilemma

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Something or someone shook me vigorously and I jolted awakened from my deep slumber. Last night was one hell of a night. By the time Papa and I returned home, it was too late. Sensing by our expressions, my maa too kept silent. She silently fed me and I too silently skipped into my room and into my bed but sleep took its sweet time to embrace me.

Blinking my eyes, I opened them to find my baby shaking me vigorously.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, sitting straight in alert.

He pointed his hand towards the washroom.


Taking him into my arms, I raced into the washroom. Making him sit on the toilet seat, I held him tight. Once he finished his business I cleaned him. 

Once I brushed his little teeth, I set him safely on the counter beside the washbasin. I then looked up at the clock that was hanging in the bathroom wall. I read 9 in the morning.

Yeah! I have this idiotic habit if lazing around in the bathroom. So I need to have a wall clock here. It was Viraj's idea. He got tired of me being stuck in the washroom. What can I do? 

Relaxing in a hot water tub is pure heaven.

"You must be hungry, baby." I said turning towards Adiraj.

Pouting cutely, he nodded.

"Just gimme a minute, Baby." Taking my brush into my hands I started with my work and finished it as fast as I could.

Then taking Adiraj into my hands I walked out of the washroom and exited my room. 

Placing Adiraj down near the staircase, I helped him in climbing down the steps. As soon as we climbed down the stairs  Adiraj raced towards the dining room. Probably in search of my mother. I looked around and found no trace of my father. Probably he might have left for his office. Good! I have no intentions to face him in the morning after our last night discussion.

So, I walked into the dining room only to find my baby boy sitting peacefully in the middle of the dining table. I too flopped on my chair near the table.

"You woke up too late today." I heard my mother's voice. From the corner of my eye I saw walking into the dining room with bowls in her hands. 

I just remained silent.

"I walked into your room earlier. I found you sleeping soundly holding Adiraj tight. So I didn't disturb. Think you had a rough night." She proceeded while filling my plate with breakfast. 

I just have chosen to remain silent because I am scared like hell that if I open my mouth the conversation might lead to their stupid idea of getting me married. 

So I chose to silently stare at my plate while Maa started feeding Adiraj. 

"You wont open your mouth?" Maa asked and I ignored her. With much difficulty, I took a piece of idli(an Indian breakfast) into my mouth. That soft little thing has quickly slid down my throat.

"Silence won't work, Advi." Maa said and again I ignored her.

"Adiraj baby, you need a papa(father), right?" She asked and at once my head snapped at her.

"Maa!!" I shrieked at her.

"See, he is nodding." Maa said and I looked at Adiraj.

He indeed is nodding and smiling. I rolled my eyes. What has he even understood about getting a papa?

"Maa! His papa is no more!!" I hissed.

"And pray tell me is that his mistake?" She asked in return.

"Maa!" I shrieked.

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