The next day

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I kept on tossing and turning all night, trying to fall asleep but thanks to the marvellous information I got last night, my sleep just flew away to another world. After being through a tiring day, I thought I could sleep soundly. But in this unfamiliar place and on an uncomfortable couch and with my brain that kept on continuously turning wheels, sleep has taken a ticket to Assam. 

With the heaviness of my eyes and a pounding head that’s weighing me down, I finally woke up at 7'o clock in the morning. I looked around this unfamiliar room and found him sleeping peacefully on his bed. I know that he walked out of the room soon after I made myself adjusted on the couch. But where has he gone and when he returned back, only God must know. I finally stood up and stretched all my screaming muscles and adjusted the blanket and pillow. 

The immediate thought that came into my mind is my baby. My baby usually wakes up at 6 in the morning as if an alarm clock wakes him up. Last night he slept with Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Dixit. He must be awake by now. I need to find him first. 

With a determination to immediately take him into my arms, I raced into the bathroom. Quickly freshening up, I pulled myself into a simple top and leggings. Done with all the heavy dress and jewellery. I can’t carry them anymore. Exiting the closet, my eyes landed on him who hasn’t budged a little. Look at the audacity of his, after giving me a sleepless night, he is still sleeping peacefully. 

And again, why should I even consider him? Shaking my head, I walked out of the bedroom and made my way towards Mr. And Mrs. Dixit's room. I noticed that all the bedrooms were on the second floor and so I don’t have to roam around the house to look out for their room. Well actually, Ananya has happily blabbered that information to him. 

So without much effort, I straight away walked towards Mr. and Mrs. Dixit’s room and found the door wide open. I peeked into the room and found none.

"It's empty." A voice behind me startled and I jumped around.

There he is. Mr. Dixit, smiling at me.

"Umm… er…" what should I say? I was caught peeking into his room.

"I suppose you're here to say good morning or to ask for Adiraj." He said.

"Adiraj." I said immediately.

He smiled, "He is in the dining room with your mom." 

My brows drew together, "My mom? I didn't know that she would come this early."

I really don't know. Papa said that they would be here by lunch.

Raising a brow, he stared at me for a moment, "I hope you won't mind calling us Mom and dad." 

My jaw dropped. I really hadn't expected this. I stared at him in shock for a moment because I really don't know what I should tell him. So I just flashed him a small smile.

He chuckled, "It's ok. Go down now." He said, patting my head gently.

"And by the way, has your husband woke up?" He asked and the word husband made my anger bubbles pop out and I tightly clenched my jaw to control myself. 

Right now, I'm angry at everyone. Everyone who threw me into this mess but I'm more than angry at myself for accepting all of this when I clearly know that I can't go through this but why had I even accepted? Because of my Adiraj. I thought Adiraj will get a father whom he deserves but look what has happened.

I heard a chuckle and looked at Mr. Dixit, "Let me tell you. He is a night owl. So keep an eye on him."

I scoffed inwardly. As if I care.

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