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Unable to bear this awkward silence for one more minute, I turned on the music system. The rocky music filled into the four corners of the car while I rolled down the passenger seat window. As soon as the cool breeze hit me, my body started to relax and the point to be noted is that till now I myself hadn't noticed that I'm tensed. Leaning onto the door, I breathed in the cool breeze and let it seep through me.

A throat cleared beside me and I turned a bit to my right and glanced at him.

"Um.. your .. your hair might get messed up." He said without removing his gaze from the road. Well, he has a point. Nodding a bit, I rolled up the window. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed him increasing the temperature inside the car.

On this Friday night, we are on our way to Deepak Papa's party. Jaiveer and I were travelling in his car while Mr. & Mrs. Dixit were following us in another car. Due to the one or two conversations that got exchanged between Jaiveer and I, now the complete silence between us started to irritate me. I'm feeling on the verge of initiating a conversation but I couldn't find any topic. At least it would have been better if Adiraj was accompanying us. I left him with Anu and Dhiraj who are not attending the party. Anu is a bit tired from her college work and Dhiraj too resisted to attend the party. So, they were assigned with the task of babysitting Adiraj and Gourav (Neeraj's son).

Deepak Papa would be disappointed for not bringing Adiraj with us but it would be better to keep Adiraj hidden for a few days. Because of my so -called wedding, Adiraj was pulled into the spotlight and it raised many questions with the public.

Since then the media has gone haywire and started writing articles of their own. That I had a baby before marriage. That I had an affair with some foreigner. My father has been shutting all of them and thank god that they hadn't uncovered anything about Viraj. The last thing I want is for Viraj to be on the news.

So for now it's decided that we are not bringing Adiraj into the picture.

"Umm .... Do you think we need to bring any presents?" Jaiveer asked out of blue and I turned towards him.

His face is glowing like a full moon. Clad in a black suit with a white button down shirt beneath it, with his mesmerising chocolate brown eyes and silky brown hair, he just looks like a model that freshly walked out of a magazine cover.

"Not needed." I simply answered and he just nodded. Though his entire concentration is on the road, my concentration has shifted to him. I never saw a man this enchanting. From whom I can't even dare to avert my gaze. What's actually bothering me is, apart from Viraj, I never considered another man as charming. Not even good looking. But with Jaiveer, why do my mind and heart automatically feel enchanted by him? Mesmerised by him? Thinking about Jaiveer like this is making me feel guilty. Making me feel that I'm cheating on my Viraj. But why do my mind and heart aren't in my control when it comes to Jaiveer? The thought of all these is making me even more restless.

"Do you personally know Mehras'?" Jaiveer's voice brought me out of the haze.

"Yes." I answered, "My father and Deepak Papa have been close friends since their childhood. I grew up with my family and also Mehras'."

I found him nodding. I turned my gaze out of the window and I noticed that our car was slowly rolling towards the outskirts of the city. Deepak papa is hosting the party in his farmhouse which is far away from the city.

Soon, the car veered into the huge farmhouse of Deepak papa. The entire path is covered by the reporters from different media houses. I groaned internally. Why does everything have to be out in the public?? Can't we have one event in our lives peacefully away from all these!!??

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