His actions

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All day, Neeraj Bhai's words kept on whirling in my mind. Though I have been sitting in front of my system all day and also numerous papers were scattered on my desk waiting for me to review them, I just couldn't concentrate on them. I clearly understood what Neeraj Bhai meant but I couldn't understand how to implement his idea. How to make her understand? Where to start? How to start? 

With all the thinking I have been doing since morning, a mild pain started creeping in my brain. Leaving everything, I walked out of my cabin and into the canteen. 

Since it's just past an hour from lunch, there aren't many people gathered around. Ordering myself a coffee, I walked up to an empty table near the glass wall and flopped down on a chair. The warm liquid that leaked down through my throat made me feel refreshed for a bit.

Still wondering where and how I should start with Advika, I decided to at least note down the things we do daily, situations we face each other. Maybe then I can have an overview? 

Setting the coffee cup down on the table, I picked up the menu paper that was spread on the table. Turning it around I found it empty on the other side. 

I immediately grabbed a pen from my coat and started pointing down the things from start of the day to end. 

1. Wake up. 

As soon as I wrote that down, my self-consciousness kicked me hard. Even this morning, Advika and I woke up in different rooms. Advika in our room and I in my study room. I have been still sleeping in my study room. It is not at all an appreciable thing. I need to move back to our room. But again… I still have no ideas to replace the couch that I destroyed. Because if I do that, Advika will again start sleeping on the couch. I can't let that happen. 

But I also can't keep on sleeping in the other room, right? So, I need to move back. But.. do we.. do we … need to share the bed??!

For freaking sake!!! She is your wife!!

My subconscious screamed at me making my head bleed. Ok, ok. No need to scream. I now know and have accepted that. But, will Advika agree to that? To share a bed with me?

Speak to her… whatever you want..

Neeraj Bhai’s words resonated in my ears. 

Why not try speaking with her? Hardly she could say, is no and then I could simply go back to my study room, right? 

I uncertainly moved to the next point. 

2. Getting ready.

Daily, early in the morning when I get back to room Advika wakes up by that time. She then freshens up and at that time, I sleep back on my bed. I wake up only when she gets ready, clean Adiraj and go down with him. Sometimes, we bump into each other when I need to go early and freshen up parallel to her. Now, why not use that time to spend it with them? We can start having some small talks, right? Maybe I can also help her in getting Adiraj freshened up? 

I liked this idea.

Smiling, I moved to the next point.

3. Breakfast.

During breakfast, I can know her likes and dislikes, right? They can come in handy in future.

4. Going to the office.

I stopped after writing this. Actually, we go to offices separately. Advika on her scooty and I, in my car. Maybe…. I can drop her and pick her up? But… she prefers driving herself around!! Then how can I pick her and drop her!! I need to think of something. 

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