Launching ceremony

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The official launching ceremony of the mobile is being held in one of the prestigious hotels owned by Deshmukh enterprises. I heard that Papa has booked the entire hotel except for the few normal rooms which are available to the regular customers. Papa sometimes goes crazy, right?

By the time our car turned into the driveway of the hotel, media people were already swarming everyone. Adiraj, who is sitting peacefully in my lap, has leaned forward looking at the commotion. As soon as we stepped out of the car at the entrance, cameras flashed almost blinding us and reporters started screaming questions. Of course most of them are regarding Adiraj only. Being scared by these, Adiraj shrunk himself into Jai’s hold burying his head into Jai’s neck. 

Dodging everything and everyone, we finally entered the hotel where we were quickly escorted to the main hall. Everyone is jumbling around to make sure of the last minute preparations. Maa and Papa are already here. Seeing them, Adiraj ran towards them and me too. After getting Maa and Papa, Jai mingled with his staff while I kept on greeting all our remaining relatives and guests. Trust me, greeting them is a really tiring and irritating process. Soon the entire hall is filled with the ocean of people. One after the other I kept on greeting everyone and finally took a break to accompany Roopa didi. Roopa didi also introduced me to a few other people. 

In the midst of everything a cheerful roar hit my ears, “Advi darling!!” And soon I was engulfed in his rough hands from behind. 

“Behave.” Swatting his hands away, I turned around to meet Harsh. 

“Roopa didi.” He greeted her gloomily, “I have bad news for you.”

My brows drew together in confusion and so did Roopa Didi's. 

“Gaurav dumped his food plate on his clothes. They were ruined.” 

“This kid!!!” Cursing inwardly, Roopa didi walked away. 

“Adiraj too!!” He said, turning towards me. 

“He didn't!” I hissed. 

Harsh just shrugged. 

“Oh no!!” My shoulders slumped. This is one of the reasons why I don't bring him outside. 

“Are Maa and Papa with him?” I asked hopefully. Harsh nodded. 

“Let them take care of him.” I waved my hand. 

Scowling, Harsh sat on an empty chair beside me, “How can you leave him like that? Worse… how did you even become a mother in the first place?”

I raised my eyebrow at him, “Do you want me to explain the entire process of becoming a mother?”

His nose scrunched up, “Eww.. spare me from that.”

I just laughed.  A moment later Neelima approached me with a glass of juice, “Mam, Sir Jaiveer told me to hand this to you.”

“Thank you.” Smiling, I took the glass from her. 

“He still didn't fire you?” Harsh commented all of a sudden, shocking me. 

I swatted his hand, “What are you speaking?” I looked up at Neelima only to see her face becoming gloomy, “Please don't mind him Neelima. He doesn't know how to behave.”

Without giving any response she just walked away. I immediately pinched Harsh’s hands, “How can you say that, idiot!”

“Ouch.” Swatting my hand away, he started rubbing the place, “What? I'm not joking. I already told Jai to fire her.”

I was confused, “Why is that?”

He shrugged, “I don't know. I just don't get the good vibes from her.”

Shaking my head, I just remained silent. 

Soon the designated time has arrived for the official launch. The entire hall has been dimmed.  The mobile was placed under a spotlight in the middle of the hall. The sleek and shiny black beauty is definitely going to steal the show. 

One after the other of the Jai’s team members started with introducing the mobile, the parts that were used and its features. Jai also took a turn in explaining the latest technology that was ingrained in the product and how it stands in difference with other products. Almost after an entire hour, the presentation came to an end and the hall erupted into claps. 

Right at that moment I felt proud. Proud of my husband. Proud of his team and their efforts. Once the commotion quoted down, few of the guests started posing the questions while the team were patiently answering them. In the midst of this Jai sneaked towards me pulling me to one corner. Wrapping his hands around me, he held me tight.  I stared at his handsome profile which was glowing under the dim amber lights of the hall. Sweat beads formed on his forehead and at the tip of his nose. Raising my hands I gently wiped them with my fingers. 

“How did I do?” He asked. With his huge smile and sparkling eyes, he looked like a kid waiting eagerly for his reward. Cupping his cheek, I gently stroked with my thumb, “You're the best.”

His smile broadened. 



Holding my tab, I traced the outline of Jai and Advika. They look so beautiful together. Jai held Adiraj who in turn held him tight burying his head in Jai's neck. Seems like they accepted each other and got comfortable with each other. Looking at their beautiful little family, my heart warmed and also at the same time broke a little. 

“He is happy, right?” Bhai asked, sitting beside me. 

“He is.” I answered by setting the tab on the table. 

“You too are happy, right?”

I nodded, “As long as he is.”

Bhai sighed, “Your happiness can no longer be linked with him, Akki.”

I chuckled. I know. I just can't help it. 

Bhai then forwarded his mobile phone towards me. Displaying a picture of a handsome man. 

I chuckled, “You brought another picture today.” Saying that I took his phone and zoomed in on the picture to get a clear view of the guy. 

“How is he?” Bhai asked. 

I hummed, “Looks good. His details?”

Bhai then tapped a few times and showed me his details. Not bad either. 

“Wanna meet?” He asked. 

“Let me think about it.” Maybe meeting new people will let me forget Jai?


The same night, in a normal single room on the other floor, Gayakwad leaned against the single couch while swirling his wine glass. A soft knock sounded on the door. He signalled his assistant who in turn opened the door. A woman draped in an elegant saree walked inside. Flopping down on another single couch placed opposite to Gayakwad, she handed him a package. 

“Straight forward to the business?” He asked while taking the package, “Don't you want to receive our hospitality?”

She scowled, “Who wants that? Just take what you want and give me what I asked for.”

Chuckling, Gayakwad examined the package and then snapped his fingers towards his assistant. His assistant handed over another package and a document to the woman. 

“You will be well rewarded, Neelima.” 

Scowling again, she left the room. The assistant closed the door behind, “Boss, you gave her a huge sum. We could have just bought it online for cheaper.”

Gayakwad scowled, “Why should we buy and increase their sales? This is the raw version of the product. Before they release it into the market.”

Who knows… What can he discover by examining it? He thought while staring at the rose-coloured perfume bottle in his hands. The liquid perfume that both Dixit enterprises and Deshmukh industries are going to launch jointly in the next month.


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