Family time

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Slowly blinking my eyes, I opened my eyes only to come face to face with Advika, who was sleeping beside me peacefully. A few tendrils escaped from her bun and were stroking her face. Raising my hand, I gently tucked them back, minding myself to not wake her up. I looked at the clock and noticed that it is soon going to be 6 in the morning. I groaned. When I have tons of work and need to wake up early, I can't wake up and now I woke up before 6 on Sunday morning. 

Feeling pity at myself, I sat up and stretched my muscles. Looking down at Advika, I smiled. Life with her is starting to feel normal. I still don't know when we are going to erase each other's pain completely and live a free life but at least I hope that we can be each other's anchors. 

Just then I heard a shuffling sound and shook my head noticing that my little pooh woke up. He surely is my Robin's carbon copy. Robin always used to wake up at 6 in the morning and irritate me to death. Even on holidays. Now my little pooh took that job. Looking at me, Adiraj smiled sleepily. 

"Come here." I whispered and he slid down. When he walked towards me, I pulled him into my lap and showered him with kisses for which he giggled silently. Last week Advika and I again took him to Delhi on an appointment with the doctor we previously visited. He said that Adiraj is recovering gradually and this time  prescribed some less dosage. Advika and I felt a little hopeful. We are just waiting for that day for him to speak up. 

"Let's not disturb your mom, ok? She worked late last night." I said to Adiraj who nodded in return. Yesterday Advika got a rushed order which she had to fulfill at the last minute and hence she was late last night. Sometimes clients can be tough nuts. 

Not waking up Advika, I silently took Adiraj into the bathroom to get him cleaned up. Removing his shorts, I placed him on the toilet seat, holding him. Once he was done with his business, I cleaned up and placed him near the washbasin counter.

"Baby, open your mouth." I said to him while filling the paste on his baby brush. I then slowly started brushing his little teeth. Though I'm not as good as Advika at this, I atleast got some experience back from dealing with baby Anu. During holidays, Robin and I used to compete in doing these things for Anu. So, at least with that I got some experience. 

Once I was done with Adiraj, I proceeded to look after myself while still having Adiraj in the washroom. Ok, not letting him completely see what I'm doing though. Once we were done, I walked Adiraj back into the room who ran towards the bed and climbed it, jumping over his mother. I shook my head. What did I actually tell him? 

He kept on shaking her until finally she opened her eyes. I can still see the redness in them. She still needs some rest. 

"Good morning." I greeted her. She smiled at me, holding Adiraj in her hands. 

"I told him to not disturb you. He is just excited. Go back to sleep." I said. 

She shook her head, "It's alright. I can sleep later."

I nodded, "Then go and freshen up. I'll bring his milk." 

Nodding, she walked into the washroom. Pulling out Adiraj's toys from the cupboard, I placed them on the bed, "Baby, play like a good boy, ok? I'll go and bring you food." 

Grabbing eagerly at his toys, Adiraj nodded, not looking at me. Smiling, I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Since it is Sunday and is still a bit early, none of the people in the house woke up. So, opening the fridge, I pulled out a milk packet and started heating it. Then I pulled out a bowl and added a banana into it. I also hesitatingly pulled out two cups and prepared them for coffee, hoping that it won't be bad. After boiling the milk, I mixed up Adiraj's bowl and also tried to prepare a decent coffee. 

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