He must not know

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It's been 2 days or so since Advika and Adiraj have gone to their home. Ok, to Harsh's home. I don't like the fact that they are staying there in the first place. Mehras' might be close to Advika's family but they are complete strangers to me. So practically, they are staying at strangers' places. And I don't like it. Not even 1 percent. But do I have any choice in that? No. So instead of pondering over that every second, I chose to spend time with my work and Akki. 

Akki has been furious that I'm not spending time with her. Isn't she the one who took extra work on her shoulders and even made me involved in her work? And see now whom she is blaming? So, this Sunday, we again escaped from Dilip and spent the whole day. Alone. It's really been so long since I got to spend my time with her like this. Freely. We went to a movie. After that Akki did some shopping. We had lunch outside. And went back to that abandoned bridge of ours. We spent all evening there itself, sharing mindless talks. 

After a peaceful and long day, we returned back to Akki's house. Akki prepares delicious meals. I can't control myself. After having Akki's hand cooked tummy filled meal, I returned home late at night. I'm damn sure that Maa and Papa might have slept by now. 

So, carefully I tiptoed inside and walked up to the stairs. Suddenly, the lights in the living room and the ones near the stairs were switched on. Who is awake till now? Confused, I turned around only to come face to face with my Maa. 

"Jai." She called softly. But I noticed the suspicion in her voice. What is she doing there? Hasn't she slept by now? Usually our helpers and guards who stay with us will retire to sleep by this time. That's why I easily sneak out and sneak in at unusual hours. 

"Maa! You haven't slept yet?" I asked in confusion. Has she woken up or is she actually waiting for me?

Ignoring my question she came towards me and stood right in front of me, "Where are you roaming till this hour?"

I tightened my lips.

"You just informed me that you will be out with friends but it's too late."

Of course, usually I never return home this late. But from the day someone has entered my life, staying outside the house feels peaceful. 

"Well, we.. We were having some fun." I answered dryly.

Her eyes narrowed at this, "Till this hour?" 

Ok, after spending a whole day outside, I should have been home early. But it's been so long since I got some free time with Akki, I just couldn't leave her and come. 

I just nodded. She kept staring at me asking me for further explanation.

"One of my friends has come from abroad. So.. it's been long since we met him. So we lost count of time."

Her brows drew together, "Who is that one?"

I again felt silent. She knew that I don't have many friends to roam around. It was always me, Neeraj and Dhiraj. Apart from them just a few college mates with whom I actually hang out.

"A friend from college." I said hoping she will drop the topic. I don't want to extend the topic and I also don't want to make her suspicious. Most of the time she won't bother me. About where I was and what I was doing. Only when I go completely MIA on her. 

"Daily?" She asked.


"Are you staying with them daily? Because I know you're not coming to home regularly but again you are also not overstaying at your office. Then are you staying with your friends?"

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